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Vision Industries receives LOI from Total Transportation Services, Inc. to purchase 100 Class-8 hydrogen fuel cell trucks for about $27M

Vision Industries Corp. recently received a Letter of Intent (LOI) from Total Transportation Services, Inc. (TTSI) to purchase 100 Tyrano hydrogen fuel cell-electric class 8 heavy-duty trucks (earlier post) at a total purchase price of approximately $27,000,000 dollars. The purchase is subsequent to the successful trial of the initial vehicle which was delivered to TTSI on Friday.

TTSI operates full-service drayage, rail service and warehousing for full container and LCL Shipments from the Ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach, San Diego, Norfolk, and Seattle/Tacoma.

The Letter of Intent also opens the door for TTSI to purchase an additional 300 Vision trucks, bringing the total value of a TTSI sales contract to approximately $108 million dollars.

To jumpstart the LOI, TTSI is taking delivery of the first Vision Tyrano truck for testing in commercial revenue service. The initial truck will perform typical drayage operations, hauling freight containers from port terminals in the Ports of Los Angles and Long Beach to rail yards and other distribution facilities.

The vehicle is part of a project funded jointly by Vision and the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles through the Technology Advancement Program (TAP). (Earlier post.)



Interesting project. Per unit cost ($270K) is reasonable for new FC technologies clean operation heavy trucks. Highway, longer distance units, may be next with a few refueling stations here and there.

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