California Energy Commission adopts 3rd annual transportation energy Investment Plan; $100M for clean fuels and technologies
09 September 2011
The California Energy Commission (CEC) has unanimously adopted the state’s third annual transportation energy Investment Plan to help change the types of vehicles Californians drive and the fuels they use. The latest Investment Plan for the Energy Commission’s Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program prioritizes $100 million in state funds to leverage funding and investments from federal agencies, research institutions, private investors, auto manufacturers and other stakeholders.
Assembly Bill 118 (Núñez, Chapter 750, Statutes of 2007) authorized the Energy Commission to provide approximately $100 million annually over seven years to encourage new fuels and technologies. Funding comes from such sources as vehicle registrations, vessel registrations, identification plates, and smog abatement fees. The Energy Commission’s first investment plan combined $176 million in funds from fiscal years 2008-2009 and 2009-2010. The second investment plan, for fiscal year 2010-2011, provided $83 million.
Funds from the earlier plans were used to help California entities successfully compete for federal funding provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Projects leveraged with California’s investment of $36.5 million attracted nearly $105.3 million in ARRA funds and $113.3 million in private funding.
The 2011-2012 plan allocates $100 million to encourage this menu of transportation investments:
$8 million to increase charging infrastructure and support for full electric and plug-in electric vehicles, which are expected to surpass 20,000 sales in California by 2012.
$8.5 million to support hydrogen fueling stations and to demonstrate fuel cell technology. Fuel cell vehicles are expected to number in the tens of thousands in California after 2015.
$24.5 million to boost the number of natural gas- and propane-powered vehicles in the state and the fueling stations that support them. Natural gas- and propane-powered vehicles help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality; natural gas and propane prices are also less volatile than petroleum prices.
$24 million to help develop and produce biofuels such as gasoline and diesel substitutes and renewable natural gas. California possesses a significant volume of waste suitable for creating low-carbon fuels—from ethanol and biodiesel to biomethane made from anaerobically digested biomass.
$5 million to expand the number of dispensers and retail outlets selling E85 fuel (85% ethanol and 15% gasoline).
$8 million to develop and demonstrate technology that will improve the efficiency of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. Battery electric applications, hybrid hydraulics, fuel cells and other advanced technology can make these on- and off-road vehicles cleaner and more efficient. Although medium- and heavy-duty vehicles make up only 4 percent of the state’s transportation mix, they account for 16% of the state’s petroleum consumption and its greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.
$10 million to fund projects that establish commercial-scale clean transportation manufacturing facilities in California. Attracting new manufacturing plants that produce alternative fuel vehicles and components will provide California with long-term jobs, environmental benefits, and increased tax revenue.
$3 million to encourage developing innovative technologies and advanced fuels, and to take advantage of federal cost sharing opportunities. Examples of the types of projects that could be funded include ways to improve engine efficiencies, to develop new lightweight construction materials for vehicles, or to create biofuels from new high-productivity feedstocks such as algae.
$9 million to establish training programs to create a skilled workforce able to manufacture low-emissions vehicles and components, produce alternative fuels, build fueling infrastructure, service and maintain fleets and equipment, and explain the newly emerging transportation market. In addition to training, the program will fund sustainability research, public education and technical assistance programs.
California is working to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 80% 990 levels by 2050, decrease petroleum fuel use to 15% below 2003 levels by 2020, and increase alternative fuel use to 20% by 2020.
One of the things Obama did not mention last night in his Jobs Speech was what all can be considered "infrastructure." While bridges and roads comprise the vast majority of US transport infrastructure - we think it could include charge points at federal, state and municipal buildings and properties.
It could also include a mandate to install chargepoints, E85/NG/H2 pumps at gas stations - at oilco expense. Which is why greens and the administration need to emphasize Energy Independence as an economic recovery/JOBS program. The sooner the political deathtrap called "climate change" is dropped from the national lexicon - the sooner men and women can get back to work. It is a fact. And it needs to be accepted.
Posted by: Reel$$ | 09 September 2011 at 08:51 AM
He didn't mention Solyndra either.
Of all the gov bureaucracies that should not be spending other people’s money, the California Energy Commission is near the top of the list.
They should not be trying to pick winners when they have no real reason to care if they pick losers.
Leave that to the people and the market.
Posted by: ToppaTom | 10 September 2011 at 05:05 AM
Yeah the US guv makes blunders. Solyndra is bad sure. But then so was Vietnam - and THAT cost us $$300 Billion AND 50,000 American lives. What did we get for it? Well, um, Vietnam remains one of only 4 Communist countries on the planet. How is that for an epic FAIL? Should we discuss the "War on Drugs" - "War on Terror" - "War on Poverty" or a dozen other guv boondoggles that make solar look like chicken feed??
Naw. Let's stay focused on the little shite.
Posted by: Reel$$ | 11 September 2011 at 11:23 AM
Bush should not be used as the gold standard.
For a while it made this administration look good but it's wearing thin.
Posted by: ToppaTom | 16 September 2011 at 08:59 PM