New iPhone application to help Dutch drivers reduce their fuel consumption
28 September 2011
DriveGain and Ecofys have introduced a new iPhone application that helps Dutch drivers save fuel while driving. “Fueless” and is available to download now, in English and Dutch, for free from the Dutch iPhone AppStore.
The application gives users audio and visual feedback on how they can increase their fuel savings as they drive. DriveGain research shows that, by making changes to their driving behavior, drivers can reduce their average fuel consumption by 13% percent, and can save €180 (US$246) per year on average.
The Fueless website ( allows drivers to monitor their progress and compete with their friends and colleagues. Fueless is part of “Het Nieuwe Rijden” (The New Driving), a program run by the Institute for Sustainable Mobility (IvDM), aiming to reduce CO2 emissions.
Fueless clearly contributes to our goal to reduce one Mton of CO2 in three years and because the application is connected to the Internet, we can easily monitor the effects and gain new insights.
—Paul Hoffschult, program manager of Het Nieuwe Rijden (HNR)
DriveGain and Ecofys worked together to develop DriveGain’s fuel saving software and produce a fully branded “Het Nieuwe Rijden” product. Fueless works with any standard gasoline or diesel car with an automatic or manual transmission. Apart from the iPhone, no other hardware is needed.
From our experience with the Greendriver Challenge we know a 10 percent reduction in fuel consumption is achievable by just changing your driving style. With Fueless it becomes a competition to maximize your fuel savings every day you drive.
—Jasper Deman, consultant at Ecofys
Het Nieuwe Rijden is a program of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment, conducted by the Institute for Sustainable Mobility. Het Nieuwe Rijden supports initiatives which lead to a tangible reduction in CO2 emissions. Initiatives that are only indirectly related to driving, but result in a reduction of CO2 emissions, may also qualify. For example, Het Nieuwe Rijden dedicates attention to training, transport telematics, smart use of alternative and / or public transportation and communication about these issues.