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TMC signs on to Saitama City next-generation electric vehicle promotion project

Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) signed an agreement with Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan concerning joint implementation of a project the city runs to promote the use of next-generation electric vehicles, including fuel-cell vehicles (FCVs).

The project, called the E-Kizuna Project, is run in partnership with private enterprise with the aim of creating a sustainable, low-carbon society. TMC and the city will work together to establish Saitama as an environmental city of the future that uses diverse sources of low-carbon energy and that can withstand natural disasters. The two parties will also encourage the use of various types of next-generation electric vehicles, and the construction of infrastructure to help establish a safe and secure low-carbon lifestyle.

Under the terms of the agreement, TMC and the city will investigate and cooperate in the following areas:

  • Development of charging and fueling safety nets: creating a user-friendly charging safety net; investigating hydrogen fueling infrastructure development for FCVs; proactively supplying next-generation vehicles such as FCVs; investigating and encouraging the provision of information concerning energy supply facilities to users.

  • Creation and provision of incentives: implementing measures to promote the use of next-generation vehicles such as FCVs for electricity supply; supporting the early introduction of next-generation vehicles such as FCVs as public and government vehicles; investigating and developing various forms of mobility and transport vehicles customized to suit various needs.

  • Community-based support and educational activities: investigating the joint use of next-generation vehicles such as FCVs; providing classes on next-generation vehicles such as EVs and FCVs at schools; conducting test drives of next-generation vehicles such as EVs and FCVs.



This could be the proving ground for TMC future BEVs.

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