Energy Parks Australia and Aquaflow Bionomic partner on biofuels from multi-biomass sources
09 November 2011
Energy Parks Australia Pty is partnering with New Zealand-based Aquaflow Bionomic Corporation to develop the infrastructure for energy parks to produce next-generation biofuels from multi-biomass sources. The first site has been identified on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, while others are being researched for suitability.
Aquaflow chair Barrie Leay says wild micro algae, wood waste, bagasse and other green municipal waste can now all be converted to the next generation of biofuels, including bio-gasoline, bio-diesel and jet fuel. He says the unique chemical qualities of algae can be maximized within a mix of other biomass streams.
Aquaflow has expertise in the chemistry, design and building of its own renewable bio-fuels plant, and has a collaborative agreement with CRI Catalyst relating to the use of IH2 thermal conversion of algae and other biomass to drop-in fuels. (Earlier post.)
Queensland produces millions of tonnes of waste biomass every year from its primary production such as sugar cane and forestry, all of which can be converted to liquid fuels.
Initially the partnership plans to build demonstration-scale plants and progressively scale up to 2000 tonne per day plants in strategic locations over the next few years, and to produce fuel at costs competitive with today’s prices.