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Ballard signs bus fuel cell module supply agreement with Van Hool

Ballard Power Systems has signed an equipment supply agreement with Van Hool NV, Europe’s fourth largest bus manufacturer, for 21 of the company’s latest-generation FCvelocity-HD6 fuel cell power modules.

Ballard’s sixth generation FCvelocity-HD6 fuel cell module features a control unit which interfaces with a system controller to make this a “plug-and-play” product for any fuel cell or hybrid fuel cell bus platform. The module also offers significant advances in durability, power density and fuel efficiency compared to earlier generation products. Ballard has actively participated in previous successful European fuel cell hybrid bus field tests, including the CUTE (Clean Urban Transport for Europe) and HyFLEET:CUTE projects.

The FCvelocity-HD6 comes in 75 and 150 kW packages.

The 21 FCvelocity-HD6 modules will power buses to be deployed in several European cities, which will be named following completion of the associated contracts between Van Hool and public transit authorities in these cities. It is expected that the majority of the modules will be shipped in 2012.

Van Hool is a Belgian-based independent bus, coach and industrial vehicle OEM with a long history of innovation in bus manufacturing. The company previously engineered and produced five hybrid fuel cell buses, using Ballard power modules, for deployment in Oslo, Norway.

These bus deployments are being supported by European Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) funding provided under the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCHJU) program, which is a part of Europe’s Sustainable Energy Technology (SET) Plan. The SET Plan provides a framework to accelerate development and deployment of cost-effective low carbon and zero-emission technologies.



This may be one of the most suited application for current FCs. It could be a great pollution reducer in most large cities, starting with Beijing, Honk Kong, Singapour, Los Angeles, etc.


Agree. Seems FC buses stand a chance to compete with charge-en-route electric buses. There would be no charge time, just fillup at route start and end. If they have the tankage capacity.

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