Average fuel economy of new vehicles in the US rose again in November; UMTRI Eco-Driving Index at 0.87, highest since April
06 December 2011
Average fuel economy of all new vehicles sold in the United States is up for the second straight month, according to researchers at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI). In addition to average fuel economy, Sivak and UMTRI colleague Brandon Schoettle issued their monthly update of their new national Eco-Driving Index, which estimates the average monthly environmental impact of an individual US driver. The EDI takes into account both vehicle fuel economy and distance driven—the latter relying on data that are published with a two-month lag.
During September, the EDI stood at 0.87, the highest level since April. The index currently shows that emissions of greenhouse gases per driver of newly purchased vehicles are down 13% since late 2007.
The UMTRI Eco-Driving Index, updated November 2011. Click to enlarge. |
Average fuel economy of cars, light trucks, minivans and SUVs purchased in November was 22.7 mpg, up from 22.6 mpg in October and up from 22.1 mpg in both August and September.
According to Michael Sivak, research professor and head of UMTRI’s Human Factors Group, average fuel economy of all new vehicles bought last month is at its highest level since May when it was also at 22.7 mpg.
The all-time high of 23 mpg occurred in March of this year. Average fuel economy for new vehicles sold is now 2.3 mpg better than four years ago.
That is abbismal.
22.7 mpg (us) is 9.65 km/L or 10.36 L/100 km
If i compare that with my country (the Netherlands)
39.9 mpg (us) or 16.95 km/L or 5.9 L/100km
And that is just for the gasoline cars,
Diesel is some 10% better even and we have some 40% or so diesel cars on the road, compared to gasoline. So on average....
Still a very long way to go from the 54,4 mpg for the new Cafe.
Best regards,
Thanas Stefanes
Posted by: Ing. A.S.Stefanes | 06 December 2011 at 05:35 AM
Yes, while this is a move in the right direction, it is very little (about 1/2 mpg/year) for the last 4 year. At that rate, we need about 64 more years (by 2076) to reach 54 mpg, if the current economic recession continue. Without a long lasting economic recession, we may never reach 54 mpg until EVs become common place and ICEVs are retired. Fuel economy may even go backward in 2012/2013 is business picks up because huge 4 x 4, pick-up and large VUS would come back in force, specially if the pro-Oil lead the country again.
Posted by: HarveyD | 06 December 2011 at 09:46 AM
HarveyD, "Without a long lasting econ. recession"? I think the recession is retarding the move to more fuel efficient vehicles. A lot of people would love to switch but can't afford it.
And are there a lot of fence sitters (like me) who want a more fuel efficient vehicle but are waiting because in 2 yrs they might get 60mpg, instead of 40mpg?
Posted by: danm | 06 December 2011 at 10:54 AM
I agree. These MPG numbers suck. There will be dramatic improvement as we introduce low, low cost electricity and remake the global energy infrastructure.
The average new car sale in 2010, was $28,800.00. New car sales topped 10M, the third consecutive yearly increase.
If you wallow in "the recession" of your mind, you will remain the poorer for it. You get what you ask for.
Posted by: Reel$$ | 06 December 2011 at 01:26 PM