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Endesa develops prototype charger enabling electric vehicle to return power to the grid; hoping for deployment by 2020

Endesa, Spain’s largest utility, has developed a prototype V2G (Vehicle to Grid) charger that enables electric vehicles to return stored power to the grid. The company projects that the technology could be a reality in 2020, and would allow electric vehicle users to sell surplus energy.

Developed by Endesa in conjunction with the CITCEA centre of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), this system is currently being validated in a lab before being rolled out to Endesa’s Smartcity in Malaga for testing in a real environment with real users.

Connection of the EV to the grid has been carried out using models that are compatible with the established standards, so that this system can be tested in all commercial vehicles equipped with this technology. Endesa will use the Mitsubishi i-MiEV to carry out the trials with the V2G charger.

In addition to selling vehicle power to the electricity market, users will be able to use the electricity from their vehicles to power their homes.

The development of a sustainable transport policy is a cornerstone of Endesa’s 2008-2012 Strategic Sustainability Plan. In Spain, the company is involved in rolling out e-mobility projects (MOVELE project) in Madrid, Barcelona and Seville, and in major technological initiatives (Cenit VERDE, DER22@ and REVE projects). It also recently entered into agreements with leading companies to promote e-mobility.

In Europe, Endesa is part of the Green eMotion consortium and is also the only Spanish company involved in the ELVIRE consortium aimed at developing the necessary technology, solutions and services to enable on-going interaction between drivers, their power suppliers and the smart grid. These projects also evaluate the impact of a large-scale introduction of EVs on the power grid. In Spain Endesa is taking part in the Zem2All project, a €60-million (US$79 million) initiative which will test the new services and advantages offered by e-mobility in cities on a mass scale.

Endesa was one of the first companies to join international standardisation and regulation groups for e-mobility equipment, systems and solutions. It is also European chair of CHAdeMO, the Japanese association that provides fast charge services for EV users and is aimed at expanding the installation of these recharging points worldwide and setting recharge standards.


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