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ARPA-E posts revisions to new Open Funding Opportunity Announcement

On 2 March, ARPA-E released a new Open Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), with letters of intent due on March 30 and Concept Paper submissions due on April 12. (Earlier post.) ARPA-E has now revised the Open FOA.

The updated sections of this FOA are identified in the FOA file located on the ARPA-E Funding Opportunity eXCHANGE Portal:

This FOA is open to individuals, for-profit entities, educational institutions, and nonprofits that are incorporated in the United States, including US territories (see section III A of the FOA for specific eligibility requirements). ARPA-E seeks to identify and fund research to translate science into breakthrough energy technologies that are too risky for the private sector and that, if successful, will create the foundation for entirely new industries.


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