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NETL to install new supercomputer to simulate carbon capture, utilization and storage scenarios

The US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) will install a new supercomputer this summer to help to develop solutions to carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology barriers.

Housed at NETL’s Simulation-Based Engineering User Center, a facility primarily devoted to advancing CCUS science and technology, the new supercomputer will be used to develop and deploy advanced simulation tools.

Researchers from partnering organizations, such as the five universities that are part of the NETL-Regional University Alliance, will be able to access the supercomputer via user centers at NETL’s Albany, Morgantown, and Pittsburgh locations. The three user centers will also provide advanced visualization hardware and software. This arrangement allows collaborators to simulate phenomena that are difficult or impossible to probe experimentally without the expense of building dedicated supercomputing facilities.



Sounds like an extraordinary waste of resources. Why not expand mother nature's carbon capture system? Trees.


In actuality it is just SimCity-CCUS

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