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ExxonMobil calls for hydraulic fracturing fluid disclosure in Europe

Exxon Mobil Corporation called for the adoption of a systematic hydraulic fracturing fluid disclosure program in Europe to provide further information to communities, policymakers and regulators about natural gas development technologies.

Natural gas from shale holds tremendous promise in many places in Europe due to its lower carbon intensity and suitability for power generation, but we want policymakers and the public to be confident that it can be produced safely and responsibly.

—Rex W. Tillerson, chairman and CEO of Exxon Mobil Corporation

More than two years ago, ExxonMobil worked with US state regulatory agencies to help create the FracFocus website, an online registry where companies submit data about chemicals used in the hydraulic fracturing of oil and natural gas wells. The site is managed through a partnership with the Ground Water Protection Council and the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission. ExxonMobil proposes that a similar initiative be developed in Europe.

By disclosing the specific content of the small amount of chemicals mixed with the water and sand for hydraulic fracturing, Tillerson said industry provided important information to those interested in shale development. Today, FracFocus in the US allows communities and policymakers in the area of a potential drilling site to understand the components of fracking fluids.

Tillerson said industry should share its experiences and knowledge in this area with policymakers, regulators and communities.



One of the best things that can happen in Europe, particulary Eastern Europe, is the development of natural gas reserves to break Russia's monopoly. There has to be a way forward where the resource can be developed responsibly.


This will soon become mandatory in all EU countries.

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