Canada proposes regulations to reduce GHG emissions from new on-road heavy-duty vehicles and engines; harmonization with US rules
13 April 2012
The Government of Canada has proposed regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from new on-road heavy-duty vehicles and engines. The Canadian regulations are aligned with the US fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emission standards for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles announced in August 2011. (Earlier post.)
These proposed regulations would reduce emissions from the whole range of on-road heavy-duty vehicles and engines, including large pick-up trucks, short/long-haul tractors, cement and garbage trucks, buses, and more, for the 2014 model year and beyond.
The Government of Canada estimates that as the result of implementing the proposed standards, greenhouse gas emissions from 2018 heavy-duty vehicles will be reduced by up to 23% from those sold in 2010. The regulations would also allow the Government of Canada to continue establishing emission standards and test procedures that are aligned with those of the United States.
I want to stress these tough new regulations we’re proposing would align with the mandatory standards of the United States. We would effectively create common North American standards to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the whole range of new on-road heavy-duty vehicles.
Given the deeply integrated nature of our automotive industry, it makes good sense to take a harmonized approach, both nationally and across the continent. Both Canada and the United States recognize the importance of putting in place progressively stringent standards, while also offering flexibility for industry to determine how they will meet the performance based standards within their fleet.
—Environment Minister Peter Kent
The Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association (CVMA), Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, and Navistar all supported the announcement and the full alignment of the Canadian regulations with the US national regulations for new on-road heavy-duty vehicle and engine greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for 2014 and later model years.
The CVMA said the aligned approach is the most effective way to reduce new heavy-duty vehicle GHG emissions by clearly recognizing that the heavy-duty vehicle and engine industry is integrated on a North American basis. These aligned regulations would include all of the same emissions standards and test procedures as in the US and would be regulated under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.
Reducing emissions from the transportation sector is an important part of the Government of Canada's overall climate change strategy, which targets a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 17% from 2005 levels by 2020.
Canada has already worked closely with the United States to establish common North American standards for greenhouse gas emissions regulations for light-duty vehicles for the 2011-2016 model years, and is working towards proposed regulations for model years 2017 and beyond.
The proposed on-road heavy-duty vehicle regulations will be published on the Canada Gazette Web site today and in print in Canada Gazette Part I tomorrow.