B&W subsidiary and FirstEnergy sign MoU concerning mPower small modular nuclear reactor
25 July 2012
Generation mPower LLC (GmP), a subsidiary The Babcock & Wilcox Company (B&W), and FirstEnergy Corp., one of the US’s largest investor-owned electric systems, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding studies on the potential deployment of the B&W mPower small modular nuclear reactor in FirstEnergy’s service territory. (Earlier post.)
FirstEnergy and GmP plan to work together to perform an independent financial review of mPower economics, evaluate several alternative potential sites for construction of B&W mPower plants, complete a preliminary pre-licensing analysis, and assess the need and timing for prospective deployment of B&W mPower plants in the FirstEnergy generation fleet.
The B&W mPower SMR is an advanced 180 MWe utility-scale nuclear reactor that incorporates protection systems and a fully underground containment structure. The mPower design maximizes the use of proven, mature systems and components within an innovative plant architecture that reduces construction risks and minimizes ownership costs, according to the company.
Our agreement today is an outgrowth of the company’s involvement with B&W’s consortium to promote the development of small modular reactors. Completing these studies will help us determine how B&W small modular reactors may be part of our long term generation planning.
—James H. Lash, president of FirstEnergy Generation and Chief Nuclear Officer
This is a far better idea than the large solar installations discussed in article below. Generate the power in an efficient manner close to where it is needed.
Posted by: sd | 25 July 2012 at 05:28 PM