California state fleet reduces petroleum consumption 13% compared to 2003
28 August 2012
The California state fleet has reduced its petroleum consumption by 13% compared to a 2003 baseline, according to a state progress report. Key to this reduction has been the development and implementation of a plan that has improved the State fleet’s overall use of alternative fuels, the reduction of unneeded fleet vehicles, and reducing unnecessary vehicle miles traveled.
In 2003, the state fleet consumed 38,559,715 gallons of petroleum-based fuel (gasoline and diesel), according to the report. In 2010, the fleet consumed 33,509,180 gallons of petroleum fuel (-13%) as well as 3,793,904 gallon of alternative fuels, comprising:
- 3,253,548 gallons of biodiesel (86%)
- 281,619 gallons gasoline equivalent (gge) of CNG and propane (7%)
- 216,723 gallons E85 ethanol (6%)
- 42,014 gge of electricity (1%)
Assembly Bill (AB) 236 established the goal of reducing or displacing the consumption of petroleum products by the State fleet when compared to the 2003 consumption levels by 10% by 1 January 2012 and by 20% by 1 January 2020. The report concludes that the state is on its way to meeting the 2020 goal.
The California Action Plan for Reducing or Displacing the Consumption of Petroleum Products by the State Fleet was submitted to the Legislature and the Governor in 2010 as a crucial step in meeting the reduction goal. The Plan provides guidance so that State agencies can better manage their respective fleets and reduce their petroleum consumption. Many actions have been taken along with other administrative actions that have resulted in petroleum reductions, for example:
2009, the State fleet began to modernization with the elimination of 3,397 of the State’s oldest and most fuel inefficient passenger vehicles, with an estimated resulting improvement of the State fleet’s corporate fuel economy average by approximately 15% overall.
In 2009, the State fleet began reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT) with the elimination of 2,121 vehicle home storage permits. It is estimated that this action will save the State 141,400 to 517,524 gallons of petroleum and approximately $424,200 to $1.55 million per year, simply by eliminating non-mission critical VMT.
In 2009, the Department of General Services (DGS) began requiring State agencies to utilize the Fleet Asset Management System (FAMS) that DGS developed to collect vital fleet metrics. This data warehouse is available online for State agencies to import their vehicle inventories, utilization and fuel usage for trend analysis and required State and federal reports.
In 2010, the DGS restructured the lease rate of its rental fleet by separately billing State agencies for their fuel. This affords the State a better opportunity to manage fuel consumption and control costs. Each State agency leasing vehicles from DGS is now able to see how much fuel their leased vehicles are using because it is unbundled from their monthly rate, thereby enabling them to reduce costs by actively managing their fuel usage internally.
In 2010, DGS partnered with Propel Fuels on a State and Federal grant opportunity to build 75 E85 alternative fuel stations throughout California. To date, sixteen publicly accessible E85 stations have opened.
In 2011, the DGS launched a YouTube video educating State drivers about the attributes and availability of alternative fuel vehicles. DGS also provided State drivers with tools easily to access the locations of alternative fuel stations (E85, CNG, Electric, etc.).
In 2011, the DGS partnered with Coulomb Technologies on their State and federal grants to install 24 Level 2 electric charging stations at five DGS parking facilities in the Sacramento area. As of March 2012, all 24 electric charging stations have been installed and are in service.
In 2011, Governor Brown issued Executive Order B-2-117 ordering State agencies to justify every fleet asset and home storage permit, and eliminate those that are not essential or cost effective.
In 2012, the DGS applied for a California Energy Commission grant for AB 118 funds to support the installation of nine Level 2 electric charging stations at the DGS Sacramento State Garage to support electric vehicles the DGS is acquiring for its Sacramento daily rental pool.
In 2012, Governor Brown issued Executive Order B-16-128 ordering that California’s state vehicle fleet increase the number of its zero-emission vehicles through the normal course of fleet replacement so that at least 10% of fleet purchases of light-duty vehicles be zero-emission by 2015 and at least 25% of fleet purchases of light-duty vehicles be zero- emission by 2020.
In 2012, the DGS directed State agencies to order solar reflective colors when they acquire new light-duty vehicles. Solar reflective colors (white, metallic gold and metallic silver) enable an engine’s air condition system to work less, thereby reducing fuel consumption and associated GHG emissions.
...if State agencies continue to reduce/displace petroleum at their current rate, the State fleet is on a trajectory to meet or exceed the 20- percent petroleum reduction goal by 2020. However, the need for additional, alternative fueling infrastructure will continue to play a significant role to reducing the State’s petroleum consumption going forward, as will driver education. Further efforts such as Executive Order B-16-12 will also build on this momentum and accelerate petroleum reduction as electric vehicles become a major segment of the State fleet’s portfolio in future years.
—“2012 Progress Report For Reducing or Displacing the Consumption of Petroleum Products by the State Fleet”
Fleet cuts. The DGS separately announced that the Governors Executive Order to eliminate unnecessary state vehicles has led departments to cut 7,112 vehicles from the state fleet. The reduction included 4,204 passenger cars and light duty trucks, which alone is expected to save the state more than $12.6 million annually in fuel, insurance and depreciation costs.
The Governor’s order also called on departments to eliminate all nonessential and cost-ineffective permits that allow thousands of state employees to commute to and from work in a state vehicle. The cuts resulted in 3,246 vehicle home storage permits being eliminated, a 45% reduction from the number of permits departments had issued in January 2011, and eliminating more than 1,000 permits than were called for in the Executive Order. These cuts are expected to save an estimated $3 million annually in fuel costs, as employees are no longer commuting in those vehicles.
Governor Brown’s fleet reduction Executive Order called on the Department of General Services to conduct the first-ever examination of all mobile assets within the state fleet and eliminate any nonessential vehicles. The eliminated vehicles include passenger cars, trucks, vans, buses, heavy equipment, boats, trailers, planes and other mobile assets. The cuts represent a 14% reduction of the state’s fleet. When combined with cuts made by the prior administration in 2010, more than 20% of the state fleet has been eliminated in four years.
The largest reductions come from the following 10 departments:
- Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation: 2,263
- Department of Transportation: 1,322
- State Parks: 586
- Department of Fish & Game: 494
- Highway Patrol: 457
- Department of Developmental Services: 312
- CAL FIRE: 240
- Department of General Services: 241
- Department of Water Resources: 218
- Prison Industry Authority: 105
The Department of General Services acts as the business manager for the State of California. DGS provides services to state agencies including procurement and acquisition solutions, real estate management, leasing and design services, environmentally friendly transportation, and architectural oversight and funding for the construction of safe schools.
How pathetic is this?
You have a bunch of state employees driving full size cars and all you achieve is 1% improvement a year.
Posted by: Kit P | 28 August 2012 at 05:43 AM
Good going California. Some 20% less vehicle should bring 20+% reduction in fuel consumption, not only 13%. Most State employees could drive Prius III and further reduce fuel consumption by another 25%?. A few thousand e-bikes could do even better?
However, that is a good first step.
Posted by: HarveyD | 28 August 2012 at 07:47 AM
Eliminating take home cars doesn't reduce overall fuel consumption as the employee must now use his car to get to work. It DOES lower the operating cost to the state however, assuming those employees don't drive to work 20 miles, pick up a work car and drive back the same direction to perform their job function. Somebody who works for family services for example may fall into this category.
My REAL guess is the 13% reduction is just a matter of the slowing economy and reduction of the number of employees working for the state.
A better measure might be the overall fleet MPG, and or total miles driven.
Posted by: D | 30 August 2012 at 12:55 PM