Siemens joining Clean Energy Partnership demo for hydrogen mobility
11 September 2012
Siemens is joining the Clean Energy Partnership (CEP) hydrogen mobility demonstration project in Germany. The company will provide hydrogen fueling stations with an electrolysis system based on PEM (proton exchange membrane) technology.
Siemens will provide a PEM electrolyzer with a nominal capacity of 0.1 MW power rating and peak capacity of up to 300 kW for one of the hydrogen stations to be built as part of the German Federal Government’s 50 Filling Stations program.
This system produces hydrogen using at least 50% renewable sources. A second hydrogen filling station project will also be equipped with an electrolyzer.
CEP is an alliance of sixteen leading companies with the goal of establishing hydrogen as the “fuel of the future”. Partners include Air Liquide, Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe BVG, BMW, Daimler, EnBW, Ford, GM/Opel, Hamburger Hochbahn, Honda, Linde, Shell, Siemens, TOTAL, Toyota, Vattenfall Europe and Volkswagen. Germany’s National Innovation Program for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NIP) has sponsored the CEP since 2008.