Bosch and partners launch Alpha-Laion project for high-energy Li-ion traction batteries for EVs; targeting 250 Wh/kg
16 January 2013
Robert Bosch GmbH and its partners BASF, Wacker Chemie AG, SGL Group, Daimler AG and BMW AG have launched the 3-year, €32.5-million (US$43 million) Alpha-Laion project to develop high-energy traction batteries for electric vehicles. Bosch is the project lead. The aim of the project is to raise the energy density of lithium-ion cells to about 250 Wh/kg.
This could increase the range of compact electric cars to 250 to 300 kilometers (155 to 186 miles); or, conversely, reduce the pack size, weight and cost for lower range solutions.
The Alpha-Laion project is looking at innovative materials for cathodes, anodes, separators and high-voltage stable electrolytes.
The joint project is one of the flagship projects of Germany’s National Platform for Electric Mobility and is funded with €13 million (US$17.3 million) over three years from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi). The consortium partners provide cost share in the amount of approximately €19.5 million (US$26 million).
I think it's great that they are working on this but I understand Envia 's battery is already at 400Wh/kg.
Posted by: Jimr | 16 January 2013 at 12:45 PM
So, basically, in 3 years from now they'll be where Panasonic is today.
I think I could come up with a better use of $43 million.
Posted by: drivin98 | 16 January 2013 at 02:02 PM
Where's the German certified:
"But what would it cost? An estimated price for a (larger) 98.8-kWh version was a paltry $1,100-$1,400 (€800-€1,000)."
Posted by: kelly | 16 January 2013 at 02:42 PM
This very low objective will be reached before they get started?
Electrovaya and Envia do better already.
A more reasonable objective would be 400+ Wh/Kg by 2016 or so.
Posted by: HarveyD | 16 January 2013 at 04:51 PM
So we can buy EVs at ICE prices right now with Envia, Panasonic and Electrovaya batteries?
Posted by: ToppaTom | 16 January 2013 at 06:10 PM
Did TT moved the clock 7 to 8 ahead?
Posted by: HarveyD | 16 January 2013 at 07:34 PM
TT is probably working on a bottle of Nyquil :)
250wh/kg seems low by laptop standards but perhaps they are trying to stay away from dangerous lithium-cobalt chemistries, or perhaps they want a real low price.. the article is not complete.
Posted by: Herm | 16 January 2013 at 08:10 PM
I'm convinced that this is a far better option.
Posted by: yoatmon | 17 January 2013 at 05:21 AM
Most batteries arnt a good match to car uses. So finding a high cap battery that IS a good match is kinda important.
Issues with sensativity to vibrations.. heat/cold/blah de blah...
Also many so called great high cap batteries have realy terrible lifespans unless greatly reduced in soc... and that often completely hoses the capacity advantage.
Posted by: wintermane2000 | 17 January 2013 at 07:38 AM goal/purpose:
"The number is five. Batteries that are five times more powerful, five times cheaper, within five years." 500%/60 months = 8.33% more powerful and 8.33% cheaper EACH MONTH.
The battery hub needs to be reminded of it's stated, budgeted taxpayer obligations.
Maybe Envia, Panasonic and Electrovaya need to be reminded of their press releases.
Posted by: kelly | 17 January 2013 at 07:47 AM
Yes, 5 times 140 Wh/Kg would be about 700 Wh/Kg. Ideal for extended range EVs?
That's a far cry from 250 Wh/Kg unless they can lower the cost well below $100/kWh and increase effective life duration up to 4000+ cycles or so.
Posted by: HarveyD | 17 January 2013 at 09:48 AM
Just returned from the Paris Auto Show where manufacturers showed off their latest EVs. Average range is still under 100 miles.
Then on my way back reading the latest IEEE Proceedings January 2013 Volume 101 Number 1 feature Scanning Our Past page 206 "The Rise and Fall of Electric Vehicles in 1828-1930: Lessons Learned" I was shocked to see the range of these early electrics was about 100 miles using lead acid chemistry. That's progress. The more things change the more they stay the same.
Posted by: Mannstein | 17 January 2013 at 10:32 AM
Mannstein, I've wondered about that L-A 100 mi range too and assume it was often at 20mph dirt road speeds and without EPA weight emcomberances. Li-ion could >2-4X that.
I have a 'three digit' EV theory: a minimum 100 Km range(Japan, Europe), min 100 mile range(US) generally required. For all the 'missed quotas', 50,000 world Leaf sales in two years ain't that bad.
Imagine having EV, near free solar-charged transportation, ~no maintenance - bounced between grandparents and grandkids - generation after generation. The average US sold car(~ICE) price last month was $30,800.
Posted by: kelly | 18 January 2013 at 07:12 AM