IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA), SAE International and DIN hosting symposium on e-mobility standards
17 January 2013
The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) is collaborating with DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., the German Institute for Standardization), and SAE International in organizing a new event to explore how standards are driving innovation in electric vehicles (EV) and charging infrastructure globally; lessons learned from the field of “electromobility” standards implementation; and gaps where standards are needed to propel the EV market to its next stage of growth. The International eMobility Standards Symposium is scheduled to take place 18 February 2013 at the Hilton Anaheim (Calif.)
The vehicle electrification will be successfully implemented only if consumer experience is repeatedly positive. Standards developed collaboratively across various sectors and regions will assist in creating that type of experience and will lay foundation for more advanced solutions of the future. A conference organized by three prominent standards-development organizations (SDOs) such as DIN, IEEE and SAE clearly enables and promotes that collaboration.
—Jack Pokrzywa, director of global ground vehicle standards with SAE International
All three organizations already have made significant contributions in standards in areas such as EVs, vehicle-to-grid (V2G) communications, power and the smart grid.
Could IEEE, SAE and DIN be mandated to design appropriate International Testing procedures to determine the (kple or mpge) and/or (kpwe or mpwe) of ICEVs, HEVs, PHEVs and BEVs with due regards to local-national e-power mix, fuel quality, various driving skills, on-board loads, speed + environment?
It should not be so difficult to write a computer program to account for the major variables.
All new vehicles should have the new International testing results indicated (in five major languages) on a least two windows.
Posted by: HarveyD | 17 January 2013 at 02:19 PM