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Renault to supply 2,000 ZOE and 100 Fluence Z.E. electric vehicles to UGAP over 3 years

Renault has won the “Versatile 4-seater electric vehicle” and “Compact electric sedan” contracts in a new call for bids launched by Union des Groupements d’Achats Publics (UGAP, a public procurement group) in France. 2,000 Renault ZOE (earlier post) and 100 Renault Fluence Z.E. (earlier post) vehicles will be ordered over three years.

As part of the call for bids launched in October 2012, Renault positioned ZOE in the “Versatile 4-seater electric vehicle” category and Fluence Z.E. in the “Compact electric sedan” category.

In all, Renault will supply more than 17,000 electric vehicles in the next three years to UGAP for the public order and to the order group of 20 large companies for the initial call for bids, as part of which more than 15,000 Kangoo Z.E. vehicles are currently being delivered.

Launched in France in late 2012 and retailing from €13,700 incl. VAT (tax incentive deducted, battery rental starting at €79 a month incl. VAT for an annual 12,500 km over three years), Renault ZOE will be broadly available in the French sales network from March 2013 and in other European countries in the following months.

In everyday use, ZOE has a range of 100 km to 150 km (62 to 93 miles) depending on driving style and weather conditions. This performance was made possible by the “Range OptimiZEr” system fitted as standard on all Renault ZOE models and which increases vehicle range by nearly 25% due to three innovations: new-generation regenerative braking; a heat pump; and Michelin Energy E-V tires.



This is another way to promote early use of BEVs and further support future accelerated development of batteries, ultra quick charging stations, lighter car bodies and accessories and the use of improved on-board braking regeneration, heat pimp and E-V energy tires for extended range.

New ultra quick charging stations (10 to 16 minutes) for 60% to 100% charges will be one of the major future game changer.


More sales - cheaper, better EVs.

Cheaper, better EVs - more sales - less oil need and price.

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