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California Energy Commission to award $4.7M for alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technology centers

The California Energy Commission (CEC) is seeking proposals (PON-13-605) to develop new centers or expand existing centers for alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technology. With a total $4.7 million available, the CEC expects to make at least three awards of up to $1,566,667 each to be distributed among Northern California, Central California, and Southern California.

A center for alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies can serve multiple purposes, such as:

  • Identifying strategic opportunities for local agencies and companies to develop and demonstrate advanced technology vehicles.

  • Providing a neutral site for individual companies to collaborate on technology demonstrations.

  • Centralizing the attention of fleet managers interested in alternative fuels and advanced vehicles.

  • Integrating vehicle technology as it is developed with workforce training efforts.

  • Providing a cohesive platform for seeking outside funds, whether from the private sector (such as venture capital) or public sector (such as federal and state funds).

The CEC expects that awarded funds be used for development, construction, expansion, renting/leasing, and/or operation of a center serving the functions described above. The applicants themselves are responsible for securing funding for the various activities that may occur in the center.


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