Rolls-Royce joins NuScale in bid to commercialize small modular reactors
03 August 2013
Rolls-Royce is supporting US-based NuScale Power LLC in its submission to the United States Department of Energy’s (DOE) funding opportunity announcement to bring scalable, small modular reactor technology to market by 2025. (Earlier post.)
The development of clean and affordable nuclear power options is a key element of the DOE Nuclear Energy Research and Development Roadmap. High priority is placed upon accelerating timelines for the commercialization and deployment of small modular reactor (SMR) technologies through its SMR Licensing Technical Support program.
The latest US DOE funding opportunity announcement is focused on optimizing small modular reactor efficiency, operations and designs through innovative and effective solutions for enhanced safety, operations and performance. DOE aims to solicit proposals for cost-shared small modular reactor projects that have the potential to be licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and achieve commercial operation around 2025.
NuScale Power has developed proprietary technology for an innovative, simple, safe, economic, and scalable small modular reactor. Using proven light water reactor technology, the NuScale Power Module is cooled by natural circulation, is entirely self-contained and is installed underwater and underground to maximize safety.
Rolls-Royce has significant nuclear skills, a large existing nuclear supply chain and a long-standing presence in a number of key phases of the nuclear program. These skills include providing advice to governments and operators, supply chain management and manufacturing and technical engineering support.
Rolls-Royce is pleased to support NuScale Power in its submission to the US DOE Small Reactor Development Program. Rolls-Royce has a large US manufacturing footprint and a rich 50-year nuclear heritage spanning reactor and component design and manufacture through to operational support, obsolescence management and plant life extension.
The combination of skills and experience that sits within both organizations is world class and proven across the global energy sector. We will now work hard to win the privilege to support the DOE in realizing its goals through the development of the SMR program.
—Jason Smith, President – Nuclear, Rolls-Royce
In the US, Rolls-Royce has a strong footprint in nuclear technology, services and instrumentation and controls. The company has operations in Williamson, NY; Moon Township, PA; Chattanooga, TN and Huntsville, AL, employing nearly 350 people. In North America, Rolls-Royce employs more than 9,300 people across 26 states.