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SkyNRG to supply Schiphol Airport ground transportation with 30% sustainable diesel blend

SkyNRG, the Amsterdam-based global market maker in sustainable fuels, will supply Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam with a 30% sustainable waste-based diesel for use in its ground transportation vehicles.

The agreement is the result of a successful pilot held in 2011-12 in which 45 vehicles were tested on a 100% sustainable diesel made out of waste that is not competitive with food.

SkyNRG and Schiphol have chosen for a 30% blend for Schiphol’s ground transport that is classified as “heavy trucking”, resulting in an overall CO2 reduction of 25%.

The partners had to overcome some obstacles, such as qualifying for EN590 (leaving all engine warranties untouched) and dealing with EU legislation that is still based on first-generation FAME biodiesel.

For SkyNRG, sustainable diesel is the most important co-product of the company’s sustainable jet fuel.


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