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VW Mexico signs 20-year agreement for 130MW of wind energy from Mexico Power Group

Volkswagen Mexico has signed a 20-year agreement to purchase 130 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy from Mexico Power Group’s La Bufa wind farm development in Zacatecas, Mexico.

The wind power will be utilized in Volkswagen Mexico’s plant in Puebla, which is the largest automobile manufacturing plant in North America producing approximately 2,500 vehicles a day, and in its engine manufacturing plant in Silao, Guanajuato. Together, both plants employ approximately more than 18,000 workers. Under the agreement, Volkswagen Mexico plants will save more than 45 million pesos (US$3.6 million dollars) in electricity costs per year.

The agreement between Mexico Power Group and Volkswagen Mexico is an example of the growth of the wind industry in Mexico and the commitment of both companies to sustainability and the environment in Mexico.

It is expected that the La Bufa wind farm development will be completed at the end of 2014 with a total investment of 4,500 million pesos (US$360 million dollars).

Mexico Power Group is headquartered in the State of Baja California; it initiated its wind power development activities in Mexico more than fifteen years ago as a subsidiary of Cannon Power Group, a wind energy company based in San Diego.



An excellent way to promote the use of more Wind Power?

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