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KiOR produced 172K gallons of cellulosic gasoline and diesel in July and August; 357,532 gallons so far this year

Cellulosic gasoline and diesel company KiOR reported that in July and August, its Columbus, Mississippi facility produced 172,398 gallons of fuel, bringing the 2013 production total from the facility to 357,532 gallons through 31 August. In the US EPA’s RFS targets for 2013, KiOR is projected to provide the bulk of the cellulosic fuels (see below).

The ratio between gasoline, diesel and fuel oil produced in the Columbus plant during the most recent two months equaled to approximately 83% gasoline and diesel, with the remaining production as fuel oil. Production from Columbus during July and August exceeded total second quarter production by nearly 40,000 gallons.

As of 31 August, Columbus has shipped 199,071 gallons of fuel since the beginning of 2013, about half of which (99,175 gallons) were shipped in July and August. The Company expects to continue shipping fuel produced in July and August during the month of September.

RFS targets. At the beginning of August, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the 2013 percentage standards for four fuel categories that are part of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program. The final 2013 overall volumes and standards require 16.55 billion gallons of renewable fuels to be blended into the US fuel supply (a 9.74% blend).

As part of those targets, EPA projects 6.00 million gallons (0.004%) of cellulosic biofuels. For the purposes of establishing the standard, EPA projected the bulk of the cellulosic biofuels to come from the KiOR plant in Columbus, Mississippi (5-6 million gallons of renewable gasoline and diesel), with the remainder coming from INEOS Bio’s cellulosic ethanol plant in Florida (0-1 million gallons).


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