Electric Moto and AAC partner for DARPA all-wheel drive electric motorcycle
15 October 2013
Electric Moto Corporation, Inc. (EMOT) and Advanced Automation Corporation (AAC) have partnered to submit a proposal to create a prototype all-wheel drive hybrid electric motorcycle for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Electric Moto is the producer of the a 72V Dual Sport Gen 1 Electric Motorcycle, and a Gen 2 successor, as well as other electric vehicles. AAC offers a wide range of acquisition management, systems engineering, and technical services to DoD program offices and defense contractors.
EMOT and AAC have completed the first phase of the project, creating a broad plan for the application of EMOT’s technology, and AAC’s experience in engineering applications and government contract work. The net result was a proposal submitted to the Department of Defense on 25 September 2013, detailing both the military and civilian applications of the vehicle designs.
By combining the capabilities of both AAC and EMOT this advanced technology will not only significantly improve the capabilities of motorcycles in military style operations, but will also aid in many similar civil applications where internal combustion engines are not the first choice or are not able to be used.
—David Tyler, Vice-President of Business Development for AAC
A stealth go-anywhere motorcycle for special forces? Anyway, DARPA has a very good record of successful research projects. The present day internet is an outgrowth of the (D)ARPA net which was started in 1969. Some of my earlier research work (in automated manufacturing) was supported by DARPA and I was asked once if I wanted to become a DARPA contract officer but I did not wish to move to the DC area.
Posted by: sd | 15 October 2013 at 04:41 PM