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22 ARPA-E projects have attracted more than $625M in private-sector investment

DOE soliciting projects in advanced coal gasification for high carbon-capture power production and/or liquid fuels

The US DOE is soliciting (DE-FOA-0001051) projects for up to $10 million in awards to target technological advancements to lower the cost of producing hydrogen and/or high-hydrogen syngas from coal for use in 90% carbon capture power generation and/or gasification-based liquid (transportation) fuel production: methanol or diesel. Liquid fuel production must be GHG equivalent to conventional petroleum-based processes.

The work is also designed to assure significant reduction in the cost of coal conversion and environmental impacts, enabling coal resources to both improve US economic competitiveness and provide environmental benefits over the globe, according to the DOE.

These objectives are to be explored through: (1) reducing plant capital/operation costs; (2) increasing overall plant efficiency; and (3) reducing the cost of lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

DOE is seeking R&D projects to investigate technologies that have the potential to decrease significantly the cost of producing syngas that is high in hydrogen, low in CH4 and N2, and with near-zero trace contaminants, such that they are applicable to high-carbon capture power production and/or liquid fuels production.

Possibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • novel gasifiers that greatly increase availability/efficiency;
  • gasifiers that provide the needed H2 to CO ratio without the need for water gas shift (WGS);
  • novel applications for commercial gasifiers;
  • co-gasification approaches;
  • chemical looping gasification;
  • new technologies to increase the hydrogen content of commercially available syngas;
  • and technologies to separate CO and H2.

DOE is especially interested in technologies and/or plant configurations that are small scale and economical (500 to 1000 TPD); have a high availability (98% as a stretch goal); and possess the ability to shut down and start up quickly.

The projects are to focus on physical R&D, and to culminate in a systems analysis intended to show the commercial potential for the technology being developed, based as much as practical on R&D progress made during the project. The systems analysis should cost no more than 20% of the project, or $250,000, whichever is least.

Technologies need not be limited to 100% coal; however, coal must be the predominant fuel (i.e., >50 percent by heating value).

DOE anticipates making two (2) to three (3) awards under this announcement depending on the size of the awards.



gasification-based liquid (transportation) fuel production:



You should know the risks.


Even if the 'numbers add up,' and that is not even close, the high risk industries including other hazardous and concentrated toxin based applications, are attractive to 'cowboy' operators.

They employ the least educated incompetent workforce who are easily duped into expectations of making relatively higher incomes.

This cascade effect is why the risk escalates.

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