Ontario’s new greener diesel rules in effect
03 April 2014
New biodiesel rules in the Canadian province of Ontario came into effect on 1 April, and are being phased in over three years. By 2017, the amount of biofuel blended into regular diesel will need to average at least 4%. Greenhouse gases must be reduced by at least 30%, and 70% by 2017, for the biofuel portion of the new blend.
Any diesel fuel that is made in whole or in part from renewable or recurring feedstocks can be used. Examples of renewable feedstocks include: soy, tallow, yellow grease, canola, and algae.
By 2017, Ontario’s greener diesel approach is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 600,000 tonnes a year. Greener diesel is also expected to encourage investment at fuel terminals in Ontario and help expand market opportunities for agricultural-based feedstocks.
Home heating oils and aviation fuel are exempt from the new requirements and northern Ontario will be exempt from the new rules until 2017.
The transportation sector is the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions in Ontario. The government will monitor implementation of the requirements.