Ford: new F-150 features more than 100 new patents and/or patent applications
Study shows two-stroke scooters dominant source of air pollution in many cities; asymmetric polluters

Renault and LG sign MOU on development of next-gen long-range EV batteries

Renault and LG Chem signed an MOU to develop the next-generation of Li-ion batteries for longer-range electric vehicles (EV), reportedly with an eye to doubling current range (e.g., from about 90 miles to about 180.)


LG Chem already supplies batteries to Renault. In 2012, Renault signed a three-way agreement with LG Chem and French atomic commission CEA to develop next-generation electric vehicle batteries in Europe. (Earlier post.)



This could turn out to be equivalent or slightly better than the current batteries used in the Tesla Model-S?

A Leaf with 93 x 2 = 186 miles range for 2017/2018
would be a good interim step forward.

Will the following generation double again for an extended range of 93 x 4 = 372 miles or about the equivalent to most current ICEVs?

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