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Fifth DOT connected vehicle PlugFest in August

The USDOT will hold its fifth Connected Vehicle PlugFest on 5-7 August 2014, in Farmington Hills, Michigan. PlugFests provide venues for vendor-to-vendor connected vehicle device testing to help ensure that devices and systems meet the base standard requirements and level of interoperability necessary for the Southeast Michigan Connected Vehicle Test Bed Deployment 2014 Project.

DOT began holding PlugFests in January, with the first at Turner Fairbank Highway Research Center, VA. Subsequent events have been in the Detroit area and Pal Alto, CA. PlugFests test Model Deployment 5.9GHz DSRC broadcast communications as well as new peer-to-peer data exchanges between vehicle components and the back-office situation data warehouse.

On 5 August, DOT will host a training session via webinar to provide an overview of the Southeast Michigan 2014 Project, including the document tree, communication security requirements, architecture, and concept of operation.

On 6-7 August, on-site testing will occur. Participants will be able to test their devices’ peer-to-peer data exchange and broadcast mode communications capabilities. Specific message sets to be tested will include:

  • Lab Activity Roadside Unit (RSU) Messages
  • Bootstrapping/Certificate Distribution
  • (Safety Pilot) Curve Speed Warning (CSW) Message
  • FHWA and SAE Signal Phase and Timing/Map Messages
  • IPv6 Gateway
  • Vehicle Situation Data (“Green” Data Flow)
  • Outdoor RSU Messages
  • (Safety Pilot) CSW Message
  • Vehicle Situation Data (VehSitData) from Live Vehicles

In addition, the USDOT Connected Vehicle Test Bed team will provide live data from the Southeast Michigan Test Bed through the Situation Data Clearinghouse (SDC). There will be up to nine vehicles, equipped with current generation aftermarket safety devices broadcasting prototype VehSitData messages to the SDC. PlugFest participants will be able to access this live data stream through a subscription to the SDC to test connections, data formats, and other use cases.

The PlugFest training session is open to anyone who is interested in attending. However, the PlugFest testing session is open only to those organizations that have signed the Affiliated Test Bed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and the Amendment to the Affiliated Test Bed MOA.

The focus of the PlugFest is to support those organizations that are developing products, software, and systems that use the Southeast Michigan 2014 Connected Vehicle architecture and infrastructure. Therefore, the event is set up to support these developers, and space is primarily dedicated to testing activities.


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