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DOE to award up to $25M in funding for work on cost-effective algal biofuels

The US Department of Energy (DOE) will award up to $25 million in funding to support the development of cost-effective algal biofuels. (Earlier post.) The Targeted Algal Biofuels and Bioproducts (TABB) FOA (DE-FOA-0001162) seeks the development of alternative pathways to overcome two of the key barriers to commercializing algal biofuels: the high cost of producing algal biomass and the low yield of target biofuel and bioproduct feedstocks produced from algae.

The goal is to improve DOE’s Bioenergy Technologies Office’s (BETO) 2019 projected cost of algal biofuels from mature technology of about $8 per gallon gasoline gallon equivalent (gge) to less than $5 gge through creation of valuable products alongside fuels and achieving increased biomass productivity that leads to higher feedstock yields.

Specifically, the TABB FOA will support: 1) the development of algae cultures that produce valuable bioproducts alongside fuels to increase the overall value of the biomass; and 2) the development of crop protection and CO2 utilization technologies to boost culture productivity and yield to reduce the cost of the biomass.

The TABB FOA includes two topic areas:

  1. Consortia that bring together upstream and downstream expertise to develop biofuels and bioproducts from algae that are comparable and competitive with their petroleum-based counterparts and have broad national market impacts.

    This will be achieved by developing and improving yields of high-impact bioproducts (e.g. specialty or commodity chemicals or polymers or proteins) and biofuels. Consortia are required for this topic because of the broad range of expertise and facilities needed to develop technologies from algae cultivars to finished biofuels and bioproducts. A critical component of this topic area is that bioproducts are expected to increase the overall value of the algal biomass and still allow for biofuel production.

    Consortia projects in Topic Area 1 will develop and characterize finished products and fuels spanning the entire algae processing system (cultivation, harvesting, processing, refining/bioproduct production).

    Examples of research routes that could help meet this objective include but are not limited to: co-production of specific molecules with downstream applications as petrochemical replacements; redirection of carbon flux to a metabolic pathway that results in synthesis of a valuable chemical; or improving a strain to make a valuable protein.

  2. Single investigator or small team technology development projects focused on developing crop protection or CO2 utilization technologies to raise the biomass productivity and demonstrate that the increase could lead to higher yields.

    The projects in Topic Area 2 will increase algal biomass productivity and/or yield via crop protection or CO2 utilization strategies. Achieving higher feedstock yields continues to be one of the most significant barriers to algal biofuels, as identified in recent Algal Biofuels Strategy workshops.

    Biological contamination presents one of the greatest challenges in cultivating robust, reliable algal cultures that meet target performance (growth rate, target product generation, culture density, etc.) specifications. Novel, safe, and effective strategies need to be developed to control culture contamination events that result in diminished target feedstock yield(s). Additionally, integrated pest management systems need to be developed to control pathogens and herbivores.

    Examples of research that would contribute to crop protection include but are not limited to: rapid detection systems to enable preventative treatments to ponds; biological systems and/or engineering to increase resilience of culture; or novel chemical treatment protocols that are scalable, environmentally acceptable, and economically feasible.

    Further, algae utilize a diversity of carbon-concentrating mechanisms to maintain adequate carbon stores for photosynthesis. Obtaining adequate carbon is affected by the transfer of dissolved inorganic carbon into the cultivation system, levels of biologically available carbon, and sequestration of carbon by algae.

    Enhancing transfer efficiency could enhance productivity through ensuring adequate intracellular carbon stores, as well as lower operating costs through more efficient utilization of carbon sources. Target improvements may be measured through enhanced photosynthetic efficiency, increased carbon efficiency, and improved rates of transfer, either into carbon reservoir, or uptake by algae from the reservoir.

    Examples of research that could help meet this objective include, but are not limited to: mechanical engineering solutions for mixing and gas exchange; alternative/advanced CO2 or C supply-system development; or improved carbon uptake through strain engineering.

Regardless of Topic Area, it is recognized that a barrier exists in translating laboratory success to demonstrated, scalable, outdoor cultivation environments that capture all of the variables not present in laboratory systems. Thus it is expected that the research conducted in both Topic Areas will include iterative processes whereby the results obtained from experiments in outdoor environments will be used to inform laboratory experiments and vice versa. This type of continuous feedback loop is expected to expedite the lessons learned and ensure they are relevant for large scale algal biofuels and bioproducts production.


The DOE anticipates making awards that range from $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 for Topic Area 1 and from $500,000 to $1,000,000 for Topic Area 2. Projects will range between 36 to 48 months; a 20% cost share is required.


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