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USABC reopens 4 RFPIs for development of advanced high-performance batteries for start/stop, 48V HEV, PHEV and EVs

The United States Advanced Battery Consortium LLC (USABC), a collaborative organization operated by Chrysler Group LLC, Ford Motor Company and General Motors, has reopened four requests for proposal information (RFPIs) for the development of advanced high-performance batteries for vehicle applications.

The RFPIs will remain active indefinitely to prompt more submissions from individual developers as well as collaborative R&D/supplier teams. Each requires a 50% minimum cost share. USABC seeks proposals the resulting technology from which will have the capability of meeting or approaching its technology targets for commercialization by 2020 for the following applications:

  • 12-volt start-stop vehicles (RFPI);
  • emerging 48-volt mild-hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) (RFPI);
  • plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) (RFPI); and
  • electric vehicle (EV) cells and/or systems (RFPI).
USABC Goals for Advanced Batteries for 12V Start Stop Vehicle Applications

Select USABC Goals for Advanced Batteries for 48V Hybrid Electric Vehicle Applications

USABC Goals for Advanced Batteries for PHEVs for FY 2018 to 2020 Commercialization

USABC Goals for Advanced Batteries for EVs—CY 2020 Commercialization

All developers and teams submitting viable proposals will be required to have demonstration hardware and test results available. Applicants also will be required to submit a detailed schedule that indicates when full-scale prototype hardware will be available as well as the developer’s commercialization plans.

USABC is a subsidiary of USCAR. Enabled by a cooperative agreement with the US Department of Energy, USABC’s mission is to develop electrochemical energy storage technologies that support commercialization of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, electric and fuel cell vehicles. In support of its mission, USABC has developed mid- and long-term goals to guide its projects and measure its progress.

Founded in 1992, USCAR is the collaborative automotive technology company for Chrysler Group LLC, Ford Motor Company and General Motors. The goal of USCAR is to further strengthen the technology base of the domestic auto industry through cooperative research and development.



Bring it on, especially the 48V systems for mild hybrids - the more the merrier.

PHEVs are currently too expensive for wide deployment, but mild hybrids aren't - Ideally, they would become a common option on most cars.


These specs are the principal production from USABC in the last 10+ years?

What was the cost per word?

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