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UMTRI: average fuel economy of new vehicles in US in October unchanged from September

The average fuel economy (window-sticker value) of new vehicles sold in the US in October was 25.3 mpg (9.29 l/100 km)—unchanged from the value in September, according to the latest monthly report from Dr. Michael Sivak and Brandon Schoettle at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI).


The unchanged average fuel economy is likely a net consequence of two opposing trends, they suggested: less demand for fuel efficient vehicles because of the decreasing price of gasoline, and improved fuel economy of 2015 model year vehicles compared to 2014 model year vehicles.

Vehicle fuel economy is up 5.2 mpg since October 2007 (the first month of their monitoring).

The University of Michigan Eco-Driving Index (EDI)—an index that estimates the average monthly emissions of greenhouse gases generated by an individual US driver—reached a record low of 0.76 in August (the lower the value the better). This value indicates that the average new-vehicle driver produced 24% lower emissions in August than in October 2007.


The EDI takes into account both vehicle fuel economy and distance driven (the latter relying on data that are published with a two-month lag).


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