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Honda begins operation of 1st wind farm by an automaker in Brazil; covering electricity needs for annual local auto production

Honda Energy do Brasil Ltda. (Honda Energy), Honda’s wind power generation business subsidiary in Brazil, has begun operation of its wind power generation facility. Honda thereby the first automaker in Brazil to start a wind power generation business. Honda Energy built its wind farm, an investment of approximately 100 million Brazilian reais (approximately US$40 million), in the city of Xangri-lá in Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state in Brazil (approximately 1,000 km south of Honda’s current auto production plant in Sumaré, São Paulo). Honda Energy will be proactive in promoting the use of renewable energy in Brazil.

Honda Energy’s wind farm will be equipped with nine 3MW wind power turbine units, and is expected to generate approximately 95,000 MWh of electricity per year, equivalent to Honda’s current annual electricity needed for automobile production in Brazil (approximately 140,000 units). By generating renewable energy to cover the electricity needed for the plant, Honda expects to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 2,200 t annually.

Honda has set a target to reduce CO2 emissions from its global products by 30% by the end of 2020 compared to year 2000 levels. Striving to attain this goal, Honda has been strengthening its initiatives on a global basis to reduce CO2 emissions from all business activities, including production and the supply chain.



Commun sense approach and very good PR for Honda and clean electricity production for future electrified vehicles.

Every vehicle maker could become GHG neutral at the factory level?

Tesla probably already reached that goal?


Love the leaping efficiency of tall wind turbines, extracting stunning amounts of energy from the wind. With the great Brazilian forests falling, hope Honda is "green", locating away from forests & bird flyways.

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