ANSI EV standards panel releases progress report on standardization activities
03 December 2014
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Electric Vehicles Standards Panel (EVSP) published of a Progress Report on activity within the standardization community to address the gaps and recommendations described in the ANSI EVSP’s Standardization Roadmap for Electric Vehicles – Version 2.0 (May 2013). (Earlier post.)
Available as a free download, the report outlines significant developments including new areas where there is a perceived need for additional standardization work to facilitate the safe, mass deployment of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) and charging infrastructure in the United States.
Developed by representatives from nearly 60 private- and public-sector organizations, the Progress Report provides a snapshot of the current state of work by those developing standards for PEVs (both all-electric and plug-in hybrids) and the charging infrastructure needed to support them.
ANSI suggests that readers have familiarity with the earlier Standardization Roadmap to have a fuller understanding of the roadmap parameters and definitions, the key organizations involved, why issues were deemed important, what standards apply, and the basis for any identified gaps. All roadmap gap statements and recommendations are reiterated or modified as appropriate and a status update is provided in each case. A gap is where there is a significant issue of concern that is not addressed by existing standards, codes, regulations, or conformance programs.
The Progress Report reviewed sixty-one issue areas were reviewed. In 13, no gap was found, but four new gaps were identified.
A new gap on “Crash Test Lab Safety Guidelines” ( has been added with the recommendation to complete work on SAE J3040.
A new gap on “Coordination of Wireless Charging Communication Standards” ( has been added with the recommendation that organizations developing standards, guidelines or use cases related to wireless charging communications should coordinate their activities.
A new gap on “Certification Standards for Mobile Inverters” ( has been added with the recommendation to create SAE J3072 to ensure an EV on-board inverter system can be safely interconnected to the electric power system, and to modify UL 9741 to serve as the standard for an EVSE which is interoperable with an EV inverter system which conforms to SAE J3072.
A new gap on “Mobile Inverters: Interconnection Agreements” ( has been added with the recommendation to coordinate an approach with utilities and federal and state government agencies on how an EV with an on-board inverter can be approved to discharge at a specific EVSE location.
Other results include:
A gap on power quality has been reopened pending completion of a standard;
One additional gap on packaging and transport of waste batteries has been closed;
Updates on standards work relating to: power levels and batteries; charging systems and interoperability with electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE); communications for electric vehicle charging; communication and measurement of electric vehicle energy consumption; privacy and security; customer to PEV communications; EVSE installation issues; fire protection in relation to stranded energy in vehicle batteries; and workforce training.
A companion document, the ANSI EVSP Roadmap Standards Compendium (a searchable spreadsheet of relevant electric vehicle standards) has also been updated, providing additional information about relevant standards.
The ANSI Electric Vehicles Standards Panel (EVSP) is a cross-sector coordinating body whose objective is to foster coordination and collaboration on standardization matters among public and private sector stakeholders to enable the safe, mass deployment of electric vehicles and associated infrastructure in the United States with international coordination, adaptability, and engagement.
Strange they don't seam to be willing to address the "SuperChargers gap". All battery vendors are heading to the ultimate 500 Miles battery, that should require # 160KWH capacity. To 80% charge that battery, when far away from home, on the motorway, with the family waiting, in no more than 1H will require 135KW SuperChargers (that in the meantime can 80% charge current 85KWH batteries in 1/2 Hour), explaining why Tesla had to create their own standard capable to handle this level of power. I can't believe SAE neither plans to standardize Tesla 135KW capable plug and SuperChargers standard, nor set their own Combo 135KW plug and SuperCharger standard at all. This is for sure the future, how can they miss it ?
Posted by: Patrick Free | 03 December 2014 at 07:52 AM
SAE may still be in the pre-extended range BEVs ( pre-2010) era?
Sooner or latter SAE will realize that future extended range (500+ miles) BEWs will have 160+ kWh battery packs and 200+ KW charging facilities will be required.
Since that may happen between 2017 and 2020, SAE should start to move soon?
Posted by: HarveyD | 03 December 2014 at 08:57 AM
I suspect that the auto companies don't want to assist Tesla by making its interface into a standard, even if the IP is free. That would also deprive most of the people on the committees of anything to do and product to put their names on.
Posted by: Engineer-Poet | 04 December 2014 at 09:09 AM