Berkeley Lab/MIT team identifies promising multivalent cathode materials for high energy-density batteries
29 December 2014
A team from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and MIT has used high-throughput first-principles calculations to evaluate systematically the performance of spinel-structure compounds as multivalent intercalation cathode materials. Their work, reported in the RSC journal Energy & Environmental Science, spanned a matrix of five different intercalating ions and seven transition metal redox active cations.
Batteries using multivalent ions—such as Mg2+ and Ca2+ (e.g., earlier post)—are promising candidates for achieving higher energy density than available with current Li-ion technology. As an example, Mg, being divalent and denser, is theoretically capable of delivering a higher volumetric energy-density (3833 mAh cm-3) than Li (2061 mAh cm-3).
However, finding electrode materials that reversibly store and release these multi-valent cations is a major challenge for enabling such multi-valent battery technology
The Berkeley Lab and MIT team estimated the insertion voltage; capacity; thermodynamic stability of charged and discharged states; and the intercalating ion mobility and then used these properties to evaluate promising directions.
Our calculations indicate that the Mn2O4 spinel phase based on Mg and Ca are feasible cathode materials. In general, we find that multivalent cathodes exhibit lower voltages compared to Li cathodes; the voltages of Ca spinels are ~ 0.2V higher than those of Mg compounds (versus their corresponding metals), and the voltages of Mg compounds are ~1.4 V higher than Zn compounds; consequently, Ca and Mg spinels exhibit the highest energy densities amongst all the multivalent cation species.
The activation barrier for the Al3+ ion migration in the Mn2O4 spinel is very high (~1400 meV for Al3+ in the dilute limit); thus, the use of an Al based Mn spinel intercalation cathode is unlikely. Amongst the choice of transition metals, Mn-based spinel structures rank highest when balancing all the considered properties.
—Liu et al.
Miao Liu, Ziqin Rong, Rahul Malik, Pieremanuele Canepa, Anubhav Jain, Gerbrand Ceder and Kristin Persson (2014) “Spinel Compounds as Multivalent Battery Cathodes: A Systematic Evaluation Based on ab initio Calculations” Energy Environ. Sci., doi: 10.1039/C4EE03389B