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DOE issues $14M solicitation for vehicle technologies

The US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) has released its FY2015 Vehicle Technologies Office Incubator funding opportunity (DE-FOA-0001213). (Earlier post.) The incubator FOAs are intended to support innovative technologies and solutions that could help meet existing goals but are not represented in a significant way in existing Multi-Year Program Plans (MYPPs) or current portfolios.

This Vehicle Technologies Incubator FOA, with a total of $14 million to be awarded, is open to proposals that aim to bring to market a novel, non-incremental technology that facilitates one or more of the overall DOE Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) goals. The full spectrum of technologies and non-hardware solutions relevant to efficient and environmentally friendly transportation technologies reducing petroleum use will be considered for funding.

DOE anticipates making cooperative agreement awards that range from $500,000 or less to $3 million or more. Project periods will range from 12 to 36 months. Required cost share is 10% or 20%, depending upon the nature of the recipient and the percentage of work performed.

The following types of applications will be deemed non-responsive and will not be reviewed or considered:

  • Commercial hardware technologies, products, and solutions;

  • Incremental improvements to existing technologies, products, or solutions;

  • Solutions, approaches, or technologies similar to those already being investigated through current or recent DOE projects; and

  • Technologies that are not based on sound scientific principles (e.g., violates the law of thermodynamics).


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