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Consumer Watchdog petitions Calif. PUC to reject PG&E EV charging proposal

Consumer Watchdog has petitioned the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to reject a PG&E proposal for a major buildout of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure on grounds that it will raise costs for ratepayers while stifling innovation.(Earlier post.)

In February, PG&E filed an application with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) for permission to build an estimated 25,000 electric vehicle (EV) chargers at sites across its service area in Northern and Central California—8 times the number currently installed. If approved, this program would be the largest deployment of EV charging stations in the country, PG&E said.

Allowing PG&E to be the only decision maker with authority over the hardware, locations and pricing of this EV charging network will result in little to no incentive to keep costs low, particularly when these costs are being passed along to ratepayers. Nor can we trust PG&E, which is the subject of ongoing scandal, to give consumers access to the most advanced technology for the least amount of money.

—Consumer Watchdog petition

PG&E’s proposal would pass through the estimated $653.8-million cost of the program to all ratepayers in their service territory, which covers most of central and northern California.

PG&E said that the total impact on system average bundled rates would be minimal in 2016

and 2017 and would average only a tenth of a cent per kilowatt-hour over the next five years of the program. A typical residential customer would pay about 70 cents more per month over the period 2018 to 2022, according to PG&E.

The chargers would be located at commercial and public locations, including multi-family dwellings, retail centers, and workplaces. Approximately 10% of the chargers would be installed to support disadvantaged communities. PG&E would also provide tools and educational materials for site hosts and customers to learn about the benefits of electric vehicles.



Unbelievable but true!

People trust Big Oil and ICEVs more than electric energy distributors and BEVs?


In general, people very smartly no longer trust Industries; American business is about control of the market not about fair competition. Big industries accomplish this by buying off Congress and State lawmakers with election campaign funds and favors through a cadre of lobbyists.

One function of the Government is to fairly limit and regulate business to assure fair treatment of it's citizens. This happens much more selectively because of the lobbyist system.

The best example of how the system is broken is as inferred, the oil industry who are really huge law and lobbying firms who just happen to mine and refine hydrocarbons.

Thru convoluted political manipulations of an entire political party, the Republicans, the oil industry has even gotten us into a war over oil in Iraq. Hard to trust an industry this evil.


This is just a scam.

The $653.8-million should be portioned out to ANYONE who want to install a charger.

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