First Corri-Door fast charging points put into service; 200 targeted in France by end of year
12 June 2015
The first two fast charging points for electric vehicles in France’s Corri-Door project are now operational at the Bosgouet Nord (A13) and Tardenois Nord (A4) motorway service stations operated by SANEF. The charging points, which can charge an electric vehicle (EV) in under 30 minutes, are part of a national scheme co-financed (50%) by the European Union (TEN-T Programme) and a consortium of electric mobility stakeholders led by the EDF Group.
Provisional map of charging points. Click to enlarge. |
The consortium includes EDF S.A.; its subsidiary Sodetrel; Renault; Nissan; BMW; Volkswagen; and ParisTech (12 engineering and business schools).
With the Corri-Door project, 200 new fast charging points will be rolled out across France by December 2015. They will be located along major motorways operated by the SANEF Group (SANEF, SAPN), one of the original partners, and APRR and Vinci Autoroutes (ASF, COFIROUTE, ESCOTA), as well as in nearby shopping centers. Positioned at 80 km intervals, Corri-Door charging points make inter-urban driving a reality, thereby removing one of the barriers to the development of electric mobility.
The aim of the Corri-Door project is to charge vehicles in the time it takes to have a motorway break: cars can be 80% charged in under 30 minutes. In addition, the Corri-Door intelligent charging points are universal and compatible with all commercially available EVs.
Mobility operator Sodetrel plans to launch its own scheme for the Corri-Door charging service. The Sodetrel Pass will be available from its website, or from service stations that offer the service. Members of other schemes will also be able to use the Corri-Door network to charge their vehicles, since the charging points are interoperable.
Based on project feedback and studies conducted by ParisTech, Corri-Door will glean information on:
- customer expectations of the charging service,
- economic viability and business models,
- opportunities for deployment of an interconnected and interoperable charging infrastructure network in Europe.
The Corri-Door charging points are manufactured in France and run on renewable electricity supplied by EDF.
This shows how fast a fast charging network can be rolled out.
France is around 1.5 times the size of California, and this is being done in only a few months.
They will be 50kw, not 100kw, but hopefully they have the gumption to make the underground part compatible with 100kw so that only the above ground needs alteration.
Posted by: Davemart | 12 June 2015 at 02:52 AM
Yes, this is about the equivalent of 2,000+ new quick charge stations for USA by end of 2015. Almost China speed? A hand to France for this one.
The same could be done with about 100 H2 distribution/compression centers at about the same cost when H2 is trucked in from adjacent H2 production facilities, much the same as fossil fuels are.
BEVs and FCEVs could receive equivalent service.
Posted by: HarveyD | 12 June 2015 at 05:43 AM
Coverage of the US is one thing, but this speed of roll out means that a consortium in the US could, for instance, providing planning permission is OK there, roll out coverage of California and along the coast up to Vancouver in 6 months.
So much for the notion that no one can catch up on fast charging.
Noting the consortium car makers:
Renault; Nissan; BMW; Volkswagen it pretty obvious that they all plan to have cars capable of taking proper advantage of the network they have been instrumental in creating fairly soon.
That would mean 200 mile AER cars, with well over 100 miles at motorway speeds.
Hopefully the first of them will be available for the 2017 model year, although it might take a bit longer.
Posted by: Davemart | 12 June 2015 at 07:18 AM
Here are details of the project cost:
So the cost is Euros 9,706,500, which comes out to around 50,000 Euros per station.
Posted by: Davemart | 12 June 2015 at 02:30 PM
USA could easily manufacture and install 2,000+ quick charge evolutive stations in about 12 months.
Mix financing should be a major problem.
The FED could always print another $85B/month for 1.5 months to finance the project an recuperate the investment in 5 years or so.
A temporary stop to useless Oil wars good also finance the project in a few short months.
The national will to do it may be the missing block.
Posted by: HarveyD | 12 June 2015 at 05:18 PM
The second para should read:
Mix financing should NOT be a major problem.
Posted by: HarveyD | 12 June 2015 at 05:20 PM
" can be 80% charged in under 30 minutes...are universal and compatible with all commercially available EVs"
I seriously doubt they can supply 50 kW to a Tesla unless through a Chademo adapter. This is quite evasive. Do they have IEC 62196 Type 2 Combo DC? SAE J1772 (Type 1) Combo DC? I expect it is Chademo and high power AC Type 2 for the Renault Zoe only, with low power (19kW) Type 1 (J1772) on the side to cover the "universal" claim.
I hope I am wrong, but there is no reason not to be explicit when making such a grandiose claim, unless they are trying to cover up the lack of certain options.
Posted by: James McLaughlin | 12 June 2015 at 07:36 PM
At the moment Tesla owners carry cabling to allow connection to CCS etc.
I assume that this is to continue.
So Tesla owners will be able to get a charge there, which is the main point.
Since CCS is the authorised standard in Europe and CHAdeMO common, those who introduce another incompatible standard can expect some level of inconvenience.
Posted by: Davemart | 13 June 2015 at 02:17 AM