LanzaTech gas fermentation technology at core of €14.6M EU Steelanol project; 25K t/year demo plant
Application process now open for 2015 BASF/VW “Science Award for Electrochemistry”

Ricardo signs MoU for strategic cooperation with Foton, collaboration on new 1.0L gasoline engine

Ricardo has signed two contracts with Beiqi Foton Motor Co. Ltd (Foton), a designer and manufacturer of commercial vehicles, including medium and heavy-duty trucks, light-duty trucks, vans, pickups, and buses. The first of the contracts is a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Strategic Cooperation in Powertrain Products Development between Foton and Ricardo UK Ltd.

The scope of the MoU covers vehicle platform planning, new technology research and analysis methods, new product development, powertrain integration and calibration support, troubleshooting and technology transfer.

In addition to the MoU, a service contract was signed between Foton and Ricardo Shanghai Co. Ltd. This contract will see the two companies collaborate on the development of a 1.0L gasoline engine, through which Ricardo will help Foton improve engine efficiency and meet new emissions and fuel consumptions standards in China.

This engine is aimed at meeting EU6 emissions regulations, and is intended as an important product in enabling Foton to meet the new China stage 4 fuel economy regulations. Ricardo will be mainly responsible for reviewing Foton’s design with relevant simulation based activities, carrying out mechanical and performance and emissions development, and applying a particular focus upon evaluating NVH aspects.


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