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Evident launches skutterudite thermoelectric product

Evident Thermoelectrics has launched the first commercial thermoelectric product using skutterudite material technology: the Evident Skutterudite Test Kit. This thermoelectric material, which was originally developed by NASA to power deep space probes, operates in the mid- to high-temperature range—suited for, among other applications, automotive.

This launch comes shortly after Evident announced its purchase of GMZ Energy, a developer of high-temperature thermoelectric generation (TEG) systems. (Earlier post.)

The Evident Skutterudite Test Kit is available for sale now at www.evidentthermo.com, and consists of a 2 watt mini-module, along with several P and N metalized legs. The thermoelectric technology being commercialized by Evident is designed to work at temperatures up to 550 ˚C.

This first commercial thermoelectric product will pave the way for things to come. We intend to launch thermoelectric products based on other material systems as well, spanning a range of temperatures of interest to our customers.

—Dr. Bed Poudel, CTO Evident Thermoelectrics

Evident currently also offers Half Heusler and Bismuth Telluride thermoelectric materials.

  • Half Heusler. With GMZ Energy, Evident broadened its materials capability and IP portfolio including nano-structuring process for half-Heusler materials. HH materials yield a combination of high-performance, high-strength module and moderate materials cost. Evident says that its proprietary method of bulk manufacturing nanostructured TE materials is more cost-effective than known nanowire or thin film manufacturing methods for temperatures of 500°C to 700°C on the hot side.

  • Skutterudite. Evident’s skutterudite material system is suited for mid temperature range applications (hot side 250°C – 550°C). With peak ZTs of 1.4 for N-Type and 1.2 for P-Type, SK is one of the highest efficiency materials in thermoelectric material systems.

  • Bismuth Telluride. Evident’s BiTe material system is suited for low temperature range applications (hot side up to 250 °C). Evident’s approach is different from other commercially available BiTe material systems in that it produces nano-structured bulk materials that have superior strength and performance over traditional materials.



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