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MOL orders methanol carriers with first methanol dual-fuel engines

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) has ordered methanol carriers with the first methanol burned dual-fueled low-speed diesel main engine. The engine building has already been completed, and its manufacturer, Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., has test-operated the unit using methanol fuel in Tamano Works, and confirmed that it met expected performance. (Earlier post.)

MOL ordered methanol carriers, which will be equipped with this diesel main engine, from Minaminippon Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.. The vessels will be delivered in 2016, and serve for Waterfront Shipping Company Limited (WFS) under a long-term charter contract. WFS is wholly owned by Methanex Corporation, one of the largest methanol producers and traders in the world. WFS is engaged in the ocean transport of that methanol.

Emissions of CO2 and NOx are significantly less when burning methanol rather than fuel oil, and with no SOx emissions. Besides using methanol to drive the main engine, the new vessel will be one of the first to install the ballast water treatment system and energy saving devices fitted in front and behind the propellers to help improve fuel efficiency. I

Study to evaluate the safety of this dual-fuel engine and methanol supply system was supported by the next-generation marine environment-related technology development support program of Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. It was also chosen as a joint research theme by the Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK).


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