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Rolls-Royce launches new MTU Onsite Energy gensets featuring converted Mercedes-Benz on-highway diesels

Rolls-Royce announced the availability of new generator sets from MTU Onsite Energy with a power output range of 80-200 kWe and featuring Mercedes-Benz engines. The new 4R0120 and 6R0120 generator sets, containing Mercedes-Benz OM924LA and OM926LA diesel engines, respectively, represent the first time these proven on-highway engines have been adapted for power generation applications.

New MTU Onsite Energy compact generator sets from Rolls-Royce produce 80-200 kWe and feature Mercedes-Benz diesel engines. Click to enlarge.

These compact products allow MTU Onsite Energy customers to achieve greater performance and reliability than was previously available at lower power nodes. MTU Onsite Energy is part of Rolls-Royce Power Systems within the Land & Sea division of Rolls-Royce.

Additional features of the generator sets include:

  • Engines equipped with EPA Tier 3 electronic fuel systems
  • New rear or side-facing control panel
  • New weatherproof base and enclosure

MTU Onsite Energy’s 80-200 kWe product line is the result of a three-year collaboration between MTU Onsite Energy and Daimler AG. Taking an on-highway engine predominantly used in the Mercedes-Benz Sprinter van, the engineering team at MTU Onsite Energy converted the engine for use in an off-highway power generation application for the first time.

Following the on- to off-highway diesel engine conversion, the complete generator sets were subjected to runtime endurance tests. For nearly three months, the generator sets operated for 24 hours a day while enduring wide load ranges and weather conditions. During the rigorous testing, each generator set was run on an automated load bank that incorporated strenuous load steps, including a 0% to 100% load demand step every hour throughout the 2,000-hour runtime period. Additionally, the generator sets were tested in temperatures ranging from -31° F (-35° C) to 75° F (24° C).


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