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City of Oakland using NEXBTL renewable diesel for municipal fleet

The City of Oakland, California has begun filling up its vehicles with Neste’s NEXBTL renewable diesel in order to reduce the emissions of their municipal fleet. Oakland is the first major US city to convert their entire fleet to renewable diesel. The switch from petroleum diesel to renewable diesel took place in the beginning of October 2015.

Oakland operates 250 diesel-powered vehicles, which include street sweepers, dump trucks, tractors, construction equipment, and mowers. The City will consume about 230,000 gallons of renewable diesel per year.

An increasing number of cities and private fleets are switching to NEXBTL renewable diesel, Neste said. Google’s gBuses and UPS’ delivery trucks are using NEXBTL, for example. Earlier this year, the City of San Francisco announced it will switch all of its diesel fleet to renewable diesel by the end of this year. The City of Walnut Creek also switched its diesel powered municipal fleet to renewable diesel in August 2015.

NEXBTL renewable diesel is supplied to the City of Oakland and Walnut Creek by Golden Gate Petroleum—one of the first distributors of Neste’s NEXBTL renewable diesel in the USA. Golden Gate Petroleum sells NEXBTL product through NeXgen Fuel, a company dedicated to bringing next generation fuels to the market.

Neste is the leading producer of renewable diesel in the world, with an annual production volume of more than 2 million tons. The company is also the world's largest producer of renewable fuels from waste and residues.


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