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Boeing awards GS Yuasa Lithium Power order for space-qualified Li-ion cells

GS Yuasa Lithium Power (GYLP), a US subsidiary of GS Yuasa Corporation (GYC) has received an order from The Boeing Company for the procurement of LSE190 lithium-ion cells to be used in GEO satellite applications.T he 3.7V LSE190 cells use a lithium cobalt dioxide cathode and carbon anode; nameplate capacity is 190 Ah, with a specific energy of 165 Wh/kg.

This award follows on a recently announced Long Term Supply Agreement between Boeing and GYLP. The LSE190 cells will be used to power ViaSat’s first two ViaSat-3 geostationary communications satellites.

Each high-powered communications satellite will provide one terabit-per-second of throughput, making the ViaSat-3 class of satellites the highest capacity communications satellites in orbit. The LSE190 lithium-ion cell is specifically engineered to support these kinds of high-power duty cycles and to achieve a 15-year mission life.

GS Yuasa group companies have been in the battery business for more than a century with lithium-ion cell experience dating back to the late-1980s. The LSE190 cells are manufactured exclusively by GS Yuasa Technology Ltd. (GYT). With more than 2.4MWh of lithium-ion energy storage on-orbit GYT is the leading manufacturer of lithium-ion cells for space applications. GYT is a has manufactured lithium-ion cells for use on spacecraft since 1998 and their lithium-ion cells are currently in use on more than 120 satellites.


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