BP takes $30M stake in Fulcrum Bioenergy; 500M gallon renewable jet offtake agreement
08 November 2016
Fulcrum BioEnergy and BP signed a major strategic partnership that includes a $30-million equity investment in Fulcrum by BP. With Fulcrum’s first plant under construction, this partnership accelerates the construction schedule for Fulcrum’s next renewable jet fuel plants.
Fulcrum and Air BP, the aviation division of BP, have also agreed to terms on a 500-million gallon jet fuel offtake agreement that will provide Air BP with 50 million gallons per year of low-carbon, drop-in jet fuel. Air BP will also have the opportunity to provide fuel supply chain services for the blending, certification and delivery of Fulcrum’s jet fuel to commercial and military aviation customers.
This transaction represents Fulcrum’s fourth major corporate investment and partnership following similar deals with United Airlines, Waste Management and Cathay Pacific.
Entering into this strategic relationship with a global oil and gas company enhances the value of Fulcrum’s waste to fuel platform. This allows us to accelerate development of our second and third plants. With BP’s expertise in refining and fuel services, their partnership provides value beyond the investment, fuel offtake and logistic services.
—E. James Macias, Fulcrum’s President and CEO
The Fulcrum process begins with the gasification of organic material in the waste feedstock to a synthesis gas (syngas)—primarily carbon monoxide, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. This syngas is purified and processed through the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) process to produce a syncrude product which is then upgraded to jet fuel or diesel.
During the gasification process, the prepared MSW feedstock rapidly heats up upon entry into the steam-reforming gasifier and almost immediately converts to syngas. A venturi scrubber captures and removes any entrained particulate, and the syngas is further cooled in a packed gas cooler scrubber. The cleaned syngas is them processed through an amine system to capture and remove sulfur and carbon dioxide. The syngas then enters the secondary gas clean-up section that contains compression to increase syngas to the pressure required by the FT process. The end syngas product is very clean with zero sulfur content.
The FT portion of Fulcrum’s process is an adaptation of the well-established Fischer-Tropsch process which has been in commercial operations for decades. In the FT process, the purified syngas is processed through a fixed-bed tubular reactor where it reacts with a proprietary catalyst to form three intermediate FT products, a Heavy Fraction FT Liquids (HFTL) product; a Medium Fraction FT Liquids (MFTL) product; and a Light Fraction FT Liquids (LFTL) product, commonly called Naphtha. The Naphtha is recycled to the partial oxidation unit with remaining tail gas to be reformed to hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
In the last step, hydrotreating, hydrocracking and hydroisomerization upgrading steps are used to upgrade the combined HFTL and MFTL products into jet fuel.
In building strong strategic partnerships with industry leaders such as Waste Management, Waste Connections, Cathay Pacific, United Airlines, Tesoro and now BP, Fulcrum has entered into long-term agreements for feedstock, fuel offtake and fuel logistic services to advance its development platform. The company has also entered into alliances with the US Air Force, US Navy and the US Department of Agriculture that further support the growth of Fulcrum’s business enterprise.
With the support of BP and its other strategic partners, Fulcrum is accelerating the development of additional, larger-scale projects across North America that will have the capacity to produce more than 300 million gallons annually of renewable transportation fuels. Jet fuel produced from Fulcrum’s plants will be cost competitive with fossil jet fuel, providing airlines with an attractive, low-carbon alternative. Fulcrum’s jet fuel will also provide significant environmental and sustainability benefits, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions by more than 80% compared to fossil jet fuel.
We need zero pollution supersonic electric hyperloops to replace polluting aviation and shipping. Off all places Abu Dhabi – Dubai appear to be the place for the world’s first hyperloop transportation system. Electrek has the story with a video.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 08 November 2016 at 03:07 AM
HYPErloops will not replace jets.
Posted by: SJC | 08 November 2016 at 04:37 AM
Yes they will. They are faster than jets and they go from city center to city center. No remote airport needed. No noise pollution either. You can even do it on sea with submerged tubes to avoid bad weather. By the way on land they are also not affected by bad weather like planes are. We need to start building them and do it fast. The people who do oil and gas and that will loose their jobs can be rehired to do hyper loops all over the planet.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 08 November 2016 at 04:59 AM
Note in the video that the hyperloop proposed for Dubai will be combined with autonomous cars that literely take passengers from door to door using the hyperloop for long distance travel only. Brilliant.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 08 November 2016 at 05:02 AM
Dubai is on planet ZarGon. The physics, and hence the economics are different there. Hyperloops cannot be Modeled on planet Earth. They cannot be understood using standard dimensional and differential analysis in the Earth domain.
Henrik: You might want to start reading and consulting Isaac Isimov's "Foundation" series. It will open your eyes to what is and what is not possible.
Posted by: Dr. Strange Love | 08 November 2016 at 07:15 AM
My bad: Isaac Asimov.
Posted by: Dr. Strange Love | 08 November 2016 at 07:17 AM
And you think I am the crackhead. Take a deep hard look at you own mind and you might discover something.
The physics of the hyperloop is quite simple and very doable. The hard part is to start a whole new industry cluster that make the various components needed to get it going. It is very much like making driverless BEVs. The old guard simply can’t see it coming because they are so confident that there is no other way than keep making microscopic improvement to existing and well known designs like gas engines. You may live to see how wrong you are or you may start looking at the world with an open mind and be part of some real progress needed to create a sustainable habitat for life on this planet. Your choice.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 08 November 2016 at 09:19 AM
Henrik. You are not a crackhead. If you look at Air-Transport from Pt-2-Pt, it is not constrained by a physical structure on the ground. Any transport that minimizes physical barriers to Vectored movement is desirable. Any transport that minimizes Capital Input and Capital maintenance is desirable.
No transport (staying put) at all is the most desirable.
How can you achieve your idea of transport with the least Capital and the Least "Utilitarian Cost". Remember that Human lives, Damage to the Environment, etc., etc. all have an Economic "Utilitarian Cost". All of this must be factored into your Economic Cost-Benefit analysis.
Posted by: Dr. Strange Love | 08 November 2016 at 10:34 AM
Ships and standard Freight-Rail are 2 of the most cost effective forms of transport. Airplane takeoff lift to cruising altitude takes a lot of energy.
Posted by: Dr. Strange Love | 08 November 2016 at 10:58 AM
Hyperloop is point A to B, aircraft are point A through Z and everywhere in between. It is obvious aircraft are more flexible.
Posted by: SJC | 08 November 2016 at 12:46 PM
Once H2 and consequently synthetic aviation fuel can abondantly made from solar and wind, there is no problem with airplanes. So lets see what will happen. I surely like hyperloops but airplanes will not disappear in the next several decades.
Trying to predict more than 40 years in the future is futile.
Posted by: Alain | 08 November 2016 at 03:35 PM