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car2go grew customer base 43% in FY2016 to 2.2M, rentals up 21% to 22M

In financial year 2016, car-sharing leader car2go grew its global customer base by 43% to 2.2 million. A car2go is rented every 1.4 seconds somewhere in the world. Berlin remains the largest car2go city, with 175,000 customers.

Worldwide, the roughly 14,000 car2go vehicles were rented more than 22 million times. This is a 21% rise compared to the previous year’s figure. The highest customer growth was seen in the cities Madrid (+96,000), Berlin (+47,000), Vancouver (+26,000) and Hamburg (+26,000).

The utilization of the vehicles increased by approximately 40% between Q4 2015 and Q4 2016. As a general rule: the more frequently and longer the vehicles are used, the better car-sharing fulfills its purpose in major cities. This is because the shared cars do not take up scarce parking space as often, and they more frequently replace private cars, which are becoming more and more of a burden on cities.


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