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Baker Institute experts: major parts of the US shale sector will ramp up with $60 oil prices

If West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil prices stabilize at or above $60 per barrel, major parts of the United States shale sector that are currently dormant will ramp up, according to an analysis by experts in the Center for Energy Studies at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy. This as the oil production targets agreed to at the Nov. 30 OPEC meeting have created the firmest prospect in the past two years of a meaningful oil price recovery.

Assessing Shale Producers’ Ability to Scale-up Activity” was co-authored by Gabriel Collins, the Baker Botts Fellow in Energy and Environmental Regulatory Affairs, and Kenneth Medlock, the James A. Baker III and Susan G. Baker Fellow in Energy and Resource Economics and senior director of the Center for Energy Studies. The issue brief highlights the challenges US unconventional liquids producers will likely face during a scale-up. It also points out price and timing inflection points likely to broadly influence industry decision-making.

Fundamentally, US shale producers are likely to commence higher activity levels in two broad, price-dependent phases: bringing online drilled but uncompleted wells (DUCs, in industry parlance) and scaling up drilling and completions of new wells if WTI prices can stay at or above a sustainable level, most likely $60 per barrel. That said, the manner in which costs respond to any uptick in drilling and completion activity will serve as a check on pace, and not all regions will see the same level of interest as prices climb. The Permian Basin is already adding rigs and will likely continue to see a majority of new interest, but as prices stabilize other plays such as the Bakken, Eagle Ford and Niobrara will follow.

—Collins and Medlock

The extent to which this occurs depends upon the extent to which the productivity gains observed over the last couple of years can persist, the authors said. A significant ramp-up in development would likely induce crunch points in the long and complex shale supply chain and impact costs per well. But operators’ moves to capture economies of scale can help blunt the impact of such headwinds, according to Medlock and Collins. Examples include the 19,000 ton unit train of frac sand that Halliburton and US Silica moved into the Eagle Ford region in October and the frac jobs in the Delaware Basin that now sometimes exceed 30 million gallons of water—enough to fill more than 45 Olympic-size swimming pools.

As the benefits of such structural shifts percolate through the industry, if and when oil prices reach a sufficient level to stimulate broader drilling and completions activity, logistics will matter as much as geophysics in driving production forward. Indeed, near-term constraints on equipment and personnel could force extended lead times for those not fortunate enough to have long-term agreements or vertically integrated supply chains already in place. Thus, the pace at which shale responds to a higher price could become as much a function of logistics and oilfield service capabilities as it is geology and mineral rights. In sum, many factors must be elastic in the short run for shale production response to be robust.

—Collins and Medlock


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The ramp up of the oil and gas production in US shale has already started and it only took an oil price of 50 to 55 USD per barrel. The thing is that the productivity of shale oil and gas rigs is going up at a very high pace meaning the production cost are falling all the time.

The Trump administration will cut another 5 USD in the cost per barrel for shale oil production (by removing regulation and allowing low cost pipelines to replace high cost trucks and railways) and further fracking productivity gains will cut another 5 USD in the next 4 years. The oil price can stay where it is and we will still see a massive increase in US oil and gas production.

However, I expect Iran will not accept the new nuclear deal that Trump will offer them and therefore USA will be forced to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities and that will start a new war so the oil price will go further up as Iranian oil export will be blocked as long as they do not surrender and sign the nuclear deal that will prohibit any nuclear programs forever in Iran. The US will be self supplied with oil in 3 years time so they do not need any imported oil. In fact if the Middle East oil export collapses partially the oil price will sky rocket and make USA the country in the world with the lowest energy cost as their oil and gas is much lower cost than everywhere else apart from Russia. That could lead to a reallocation of factories and production to the USA from the rest of the world but also to massive global investments in solar and wind power.


There's a rosy scenario if ever I heard one. Without making assumptions about Iran, I would guess that oil prices have been low long enough that everyone has committed to autos and other uses that will push demand up. Meanwhile Oilcos have cut exploration spending (not that they were finding enough, anyway) so oil prices will rise. That will encourage US production from shale, for which the US under Trump will build pipelines. However, that will also make alternative energy, wind and solar, more attractive and encourage people to move in to BEVs and PHEVs.


One more: Oil prices will be more volatile than in the past.


Taking assets in an out of production depending on prices is inefficient. The efficiency side is more predictable, cars that got 20 mpg now get 30 mpg, over time that pays off.


SJC: I agree, but it looks like US consumers are still buying 20 mpg vehicles. The market is not as efficient as economists and engineers might like us to believe. If it were, we would all be driving HEVs or PHEVs by now if not BEVs.


I would not depend on the market, you create incentives for actions good for society then disincentives for those actions harmful to society. This is Politics and Economics 101.

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