California shipping company to fuel CWI ISL G Near Zero NOx engines with biomethane; 70% less GHG than diesel trucks
07 February 2017
Clean Energy Fuels Corp. signed a fueling agreement with Mountain Valley Express, an express shipping company based out of Manteca, California, that has purchased nine Heavy-Duty trucks equipped with the new Cummins Westport ISL G Near Zero NOx natural gas engine. (Earlier post.) The fueling agreement will allow Mountain Valley to use Clean Energy’s Redeem brand of renewable natural gas (RNG) vehicle fuel for the new trucks.
These engines reduce smog forming NOx emissions by 90% over the current EPA standard, and when combined with Redeem, have 70% less greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than diesel trucks.
With a NOx emissions level of .02g/bhp-hr, the California Air Resources Board has defined this zero emissions level as equivalent to a 100% battery truck using electricity from a modern combined cycle natural gas power plant. Beginning in 2018, CWI will begin producing a 12-Liter version of the engine.
Thanks to technology advancements and the use of renewable natural gas, the transportation industry has come a long way in reducing the amount of NOx and GHGs that are emitted. Mountain Valley Express is showing great leadership by being one of the first trucking companies to convert to the new zero-equivalent engine and Redeem renewable natural gas and is truly living up to their motto of “Go Green”.
—Andrew J. Littlefair, president and CEO of Clean Energy
Other fleets in California using 100% renewable diesel are claiming an 80% reduction in GHG over traditional diesel.
Posted by: Carl | 07 February 2017 at 10:28 AM