€5.7M MORSE project seeks to improve European steel industry with software tools
28 November 2017
The European Union has launched the €5.7-million (US$6.9-million) MORSE (Model-based optimization for efficient use of resources and energy) project to improve the products, business operations and competitiveness, as well as the energy and raw material efficiency, of the European steel industry. The focus is on developing software tools that will be used to reform, accelerate and manage heavy production processes.
In large-scale steel production, even minor changes in production, raw materials and energy use bring major efficiency gains.
Via the MORSE project, European companies are jointly developing more advanced tools to improve steel quality and the management of complex processes. New ways of managing the entire production chain, lowering the consumption of energy and raw materials in particular, and reducing yield losses are being sought for the industry. CO2 emissions will also be reduced.
Four organizations from Finland are participating in the project: VTT Oy, SSAB Europe Oy (earlier post), Outokumpu Stainless Oy and SW-Development Oy.
VTT is leading the project. In addition to Finnish partners, the project includes the VDEh Institute for Applied Research (BFI) and GRIPS Industrial IT Solutions GmbH from Germany, Cybernetica AS from Norway, the MFL steel foundry from Austria and the software company Idener from Spain.