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EPA releases NPRM on grain sorghum oil pathway for renewable fuels

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on the life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with biofuels that are produced from grain sorghum oil extracted at dry-mill ethanol plants. EPA’s evaluation of the GHG emissions shows that producing biofuels from distillers sorghum oil results in no significant upstream agricultural GHG emissions.

As such, biodiesel and heating oil produced from distillers sorghum oil via a transesterification process, and renewable diesel, jet fuel, heating oil, naphtha, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) produced from distillers sorghum oil via a hydrotreating process, would meet the lifecycle GHG emissions reduction threshold of 50% required for advanced biofuels, and biomass-based diesel under the Renewable Fuel Standard program.

Based on these analyses, EPA is proposing to amend the RFS program regulations to define the term “distillers sorghum oil”. We also propose to add to the regulations approved pathways from the production of biodiesel and heating oil from distillers sorghum oil via a transesterification process, and renewable diesel, jet fuel, heating oil, naphtha, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) produced from distillers sorghum oil via a hydrotreating process.


This is great news for numerous ethanol producers who use grain sorghum as a feed-stock, as it opens up an additional market for one of their key co-products. Our industry has a history of leading innovation in the production of clean, renewable fuel and in creating value for associated co-products. This is an exciting step for producers who are poised to provide more homegrown fuels to America. We look forward to filing comments and working with the EPA to finalize this important rule.

—Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor



Sorghum to ethanol, seed oil to bio synthetic diesel and cellulose to use for whatever is needed. Bio fuels can play an important part in transport.

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