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NREL acquires new high-performance computing system; 8 petaflops for energy research

The US Department of Energy (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has selected its next high-performance computing (HPC) system, which will be used to advance early-stage R&D on energy technologies spanning multiple DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) programs.

The new system, named Eagle, will be installed this summer in NREL’s Energy System Integration Facility (ESIF) data center and put into production use in January 2019.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) will build Eagle, which will include the latest Intel Xeon processors. The new high-performance computer will have a peak performance of 8.0 petaflops, meaning it can carry out 8 million-billion calculations per second—an approximately three-fold increase in the amount of scientific computing capability relative to Peregrine, the current NREL supercomputer.

High-performance computers such as Eagle allow researchers to run increasingly detailed models that simulate complex processes, systems, and phenomena, enabling them to gain new insights and drive innovations in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.

Key features of the new HPC system include:

  • 8.0-petaflop HPE SGI 8600 system with Intel Skylake processors

  • 2,114 compute nodes, each with 96, 192, or 768 gigabytes (GB) of memory

  • 296 terabytes (TB) of total memory

  • 14 petabytes of high-speed data storage

  • Mellanox EDR InfiniBand high-speed interconnect


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